Thursday, July 31, 2008

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...

So once again, let me explain the title... yesterday afternoon while Mommy and Daddy were getting ready for church, I rolled off of their bed. But don't worry, I'm not hurt. It didn't take all the kings horses and all the kings men to put me back together again. It scared me and I cried loud. Mommy cried loud too. It scared all of us, but I'm just fine. All of the older ladies at church told Daddy that it's a blessing that I rolled off the bed because according to an old wives' tale, if a baby rolls off of the bed before they are one, they will live a long life. (who knew?) Apparently in the older days, people actually wanted their baby to roll of the bed, and would lay them on the edge until they did... sounds crazy to me!

I also have a new friend. Lillian Grace Monroe, daughter of Kyle and Kelly Monroe, was born Tuesday, July 29th. She weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and was 21 inches long. I can't believe how much hair she has. She has more hair than I do and I'm 5 months old! She's pretty... (I added a picture of her so that everyone can see...)

Today, some of the girls from our youth group at church went to the Graves Co. Library to read for story time... so I got to have story time at the library for the first time. I really liked the stories. I kicked my legs the whole time in my stroller. After the stories were over, we made crafts. I can't make crafts yet, so daddy made me a chain necklace like the rest of the kids. That's what I'm wearing in the picture...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I Can Hold My Bottle! Yay!

Well, once again... a lot has happened since I've written.

First of all, my Mommy had a birthday on the 21st. She is 23 years old... we had a good day together. I tried to be really good for her for her birthday because I know she's really tired. The reason that she is so tired is because I have decided that I don't need to sleep much. Not during the day, or at night... I just don't like to sleep. So Mommy's tired...

Let's see... what else? Oh yea, I've started holding my bottle! I do such a good job, but when it falls out, I have a hard time finding my mouth, and sometimes I squirt milk all over my face...

Saturday night we had a movie night at the Mayfield drive-in... I had so much fun!

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Daddy the Race Car Driver and Jax the Rolling Machine

The title of this may confuse you. No, Daddy's not a real race car driver, although Mommy would beg to differ sometimes after riding with him when he has road rage. But Daddy raced Friday night at the Paducah International Raceway in the "Faster Pastor" race. I have added a video of his race to the bottom of this post. He was the green car, number 86. He did well for the first part, but ended up finishing 7th (out of 8 drivers)! Even though he didn't win, we are proud that he didn't wreck! (And he did have the prettiest car out there... me and Mommy like green!)

As for the second part of the title... yes, I am a rolling machine. And I've even started scooting. I added a picture of me scooting Wednesday. Mommy put me down on my pallet and I scooted up underneath my swing. I also added a picture of this... you will notice the corner of my blanket in the bottom part of the picture and how far I scooted...

I hope that everything has a great weekend... I'll talk to you soon.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Playing Catch Up...

Well, I haven't written since I updated everyone on my trip... so I have a whole week of catch up to play. I haven't done a lot over the past week really. Wednesday was my Gran's birthday. We went to church that night and then we went to Gran's and had some cake and ice cream. My Mommy made my Gran a great birthday cake! Thursday night, Mommy and Daddy had to mow, so I stayed with Uncle Josh and Aunt Ber. It was a lot of fun... Ber walked me around, and Josh kept me entertained with the drill while he was hanging things on the wall in their new house. Friday morning, Daddy left to go on a mission trip to Elkhorn City in Eastern Kentucky with our church... I sure did miss him while he was gone... Friday night, me and Mommy went over to Uncle Josh and Aunt Ber's again for a grillout. Josh made some great cheeseburgers on his new grill. (Or atleast that's what everyone said. I'm not big enough to eat burgers yet. I had to settle for bananas...) After supper Mommy, Ber, Josh and Brian (Aunt Kelly's boyfriend) played "cornhole". Aunt Kelly and Selena played with me... I had fun. I thought it was funny when Mommy told me shhhhh. Saturday, me and Mommy cleaned house all day, and then Saturday night, we went over to Bubba and Heather's house to play cards. The power was out, so we had to play by candlelight. Sunday morning we went to church, and then we went out to eat with Gran, Day, Beth, and Kelsey at Los Pinos. Daddy got home from the mission trip at about 4:30. We went back to church and then Mommy and Daddy had a softball game at Sedalia. Gran watched me and I got to play with my cousin Addi a little bit.

I've been pretty fussy the last few days. I'm feally working hard at cutting teeth...

That's your Jaxon update...

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Rest of My Trip...

The weekend stayed as busy as it started, so I didn't have time to keep up with my blog while I was in Nashville. We are home now, and we had a great time!

Friday night, we went to the Nashville Sounds game and we watched fireworks afterward. I slept in Mommy's lap through a big part of the game, but I woke up before the fireworks. I sat in Pappy's lap during them, and I loved them!

Saturday morning we went to the science museum. We had fun there too. We went to the planetarium and watched a show about stars. It was really neat. I watched the whole thing! Saturday afternoon, Mommy, Daddy, Paps, Uncle Jon and Kyler went to watch "Kung Fu Panda" at the IMAX theatre. I went shopping with Aunt Angie, Mya and Nana. Everyone said the movie was funny. I guess I'll just wait to see it when it comes out to rent. After the movie we went to the Aquarium to eat... The fish were really cool to look at!

We came home Sunday, after stopping by Target (Mommy's favorite store) in Clarksville. We had such a fun trip. I am so glad that Nana and Paps took us all with them! I've also added some new pictures of the rest of the vacation...

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Zoo...

We went to the Nashville Zoo today. I really enjoyed myself, even though the animals were not very lively at all. Mommy and I were both very disappointed. It was really hot, but we had a great time. I saw so many animals! (sleeping animals). Mya and I both did so good in our strollers. I have added some pictures (to the bottom of my blog) so that everyone can see how much fun I am having on my trip. We are going to the Nashville Sounds baseball game tonight and to watch fireworks for the 4th! Talk to you soon!

Nashville: Day 1

Happy 4th of July!

Well, we got to Nashville last night around 9 o'clock... What a relief!?!?!?! I screamed at the top of my lungs from Clarksville, all the way to Nashville. When are Mommy and Daddy ever going to learn that I HATE MY CARSEAT?

I slept in my pac-n-play in the hotel room last night. Whoever said that those things were easy to fold up and take on trips was severely lying. Mommy about never got it folded up before we left home yesterday (with the help of Kayla) and when we got to the hotel last night, Mommy about never got it set back up for me to sleep in...

Today our plan is to go to the Nashville Zoo. I can't decide whether I want to wear my elephant shirt or my monkey shirt? I look cute in both of them. I will try to add pictures later. Have a great day!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My First Fireworks!

My life has been very busy since the last time I've written. Yesterday was my appointment with the Pediatric Cardiologist. I had to go to find out why my feet turn purple frequently. After leaving, we still don't really know why, but we do know that my heart is perfectly normal, so it isn't what is causing this. Thank the Lord! Thank you all for praying for me. I was so good while I was at the doctor's office. I weighed 15 pounds 13 ounces and was 26 inches long. After they got my measurements, they did an EKG and checked my blood pressure. I was very curious as to what all the things stuck on my chest were, so I pulled one off and checked it out. After the EKG, they did a heart echo. I didn't like it quite as well. The gel was cold!

Last night at church I experienced my first fireworks! Mommy thought that they would scare me, but they didn't. The only time that I cried was when they were almost over, and that was only because I was ready to get out of my stroller and be held for a while... I wore my 4th of July shirt. It says "Mommy's Little Sparkler." I added a picture of me and Mommy watching the show, but Daddy couldn't be in the picture because he was the one shooting off the fireworks!

This weekend, I am going to Nashville. We are leaving this afternoon when Daddy gets off of work. I am going with my Mommy, Daddy, Nana, Paps, Uncle John, Aunt Angie, Kyler and Mya. I can't wait! I am going to have so much fun! Now, I need to go help Mommy finish packing! Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

July 1, 2008

So far, today has been a "lazy" day. I got up at 7:45 this morning and played in my swing while Mommy did laundry and picked up the house a little bit. We had to run to the hospital for a little while to pick up some of my chest x-rays so that we can take them to my doctor's appointment tomorrow. I got angry on the way there and on the way home, because I do not like my car seat. I have tried to tell Mommy and Daddy this, but they tell me that it is the law that I ride in it. I don't understand though. I just know that I get hot in there, and I can't see anyone when I'm in the backseat. I like to be able to see Mommy and talk to her. After we got home, I ate some sweet potatoes for lunch and then I took a nap. While I was asleep, Mommy created this blog. I hope that everyone likes it!

Now, I'm just waiting for Daddy to get home from work so that we can play...