Monday, May 17, 2010

A Princess Party.

For Princess Chloe's 4th Birthday, she held a royal ball and invited all of her prince and princess friends.
Here's the birthday princess herself. Isn't she pretty. She invited Princess Addison to her party.
Addison looked so pretty with her make up on...
She also invited Prince Jaxon, who had so much fun playing in the castle that was built by Princess Chloe's daddy, King Greg.
Queen Lisa, the mommy of the birthday princess, had the crazy idea to play musical chairs with a bunch of 2, 3 and 4 year olds. Needless to say, lots of tears were shed.
Even the birthday princess cried,
but hey, it's her party and she'll cry if she wants to....
There was a royal parade where each prince and princess's name was announced.
Prince Jaxon couldn't keep his crown up and wasn't about to lay down the "cars" puzzle that he got from the treasure chest.
Princess Chloe enjoyed her royal birthday cake and ice cream...
So did Princess Addison...
Prince Jaxon mainly enjoyed the castle. He hasn't stopped talking about it since Saturday.
Thank you for inviting us to your party Princess Chloe.
Happy 4th Birthday pretty girl!

Our Handsome Little Prince.

Baking a Cake with Mommy.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Play Date...

Miss Evan's babysitter had a doctor's appointment today so her Mommy asked me if she could come and hang out with Jax...
Of course I said "yes" so we're playing with Evan today.
So far we've eaten pop-tarts, played blocks, given the horse a haircut (don't worry, it was with pretend scissors) and danced big to the Team Umizoomi song...
In a little while we are going to attempt to go outside and take pictures and then maybe blow some bubbles.
I'm sure that the day holds all sorts of fun for us!


This week we've been painting the youth room at church. Every night we have met from 5-8 and the youth have helped us paint. On Monday night we tried taking Jax with us.
Needless to say, he wanted to help. I told him no, time and time again... but his soft daddy eventually gave in and gave the kid a brush and a bucket of paint...
He did a great job "painking," as he likes to call it...
I'm just glad that it was only primer!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

5 years.

Dear Justin Thorpe Mason,
Five years ago today we went on our first ever date.
It was one of the best days of my life because I knew that the search was over and that God had finally saw fit to give me the answer to my prayers.
His answer was you.
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I fall in love with you all over again everytime I see you smile.
God is so good. He reminds me of how good He is through you and through our son.
Thank you for loving me...
I Love You,
Kendra Marie Mason

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

"Grown don't mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child. They get bigger, older, but grown? What's that supposed to mean? In my heart it don't mean a thing."
-Toni Morrison, Beloved
It's so funny the things that you don't understand before you're a mom. Like why your mom wants to talk to you every day. I mean, I enjoy talking to my mom every day, but sometimes I feel like I don't have anything to say. Does she really just want to hear about my day? I guess so, because she continues to call.
And then, I was a mom. And I immediately understood. Even though I'm 24, I'm her baby. She wants to hear my voice every day and tell me that she loves me every day. I understand that now. Because I'm a mom.
I can't imagine going a day without hearing his voice.
Then there are other things that I thought that I did understand- and then I became a mother and learned that there's no possible way that I do really understand them. Like love.
I thought I had love figured out. I knew that I loved my husband with an everlasting love that I had never felt for anyone else. I knew that I had a special love for my family. I knew that I would someday love my children...

But I had no idea about that kind of love...
...and then he came along. He showed me what love really is. He completed me.
Some things I understand better. Some things I don't understand at all. But I'm thankful that you are here to teach me all of the things that I don't understand. When I was a little girl, I dreamed of being a mommy. There's nothing that I wanted more. Some girls dream of being teachers, nurses, doctors... I dreamed of being a mommy. You made my dreams come true. I was so excited during the 9 months that you were in my belly because I knew that the moment I looked upon your face for the first time, life would make a little more sense to me. I prayed for you every day and I wondered what you would be like, but I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I would have a baby boy as beautiful, precious and amazing as you are. You are so full of personality- so full of life! You are so much more than I ever imagined. I love your smile and your laugh. I love the way that you talk and mimic everything that your daddy and I do. I love watching you grow each day and I love that you discover new things every morning. I pray that God will use you in amazing ways as you grow- and I have faith that He is going to. I really do feel like my purpose in life was to be your Mommy and to help shape you into the man that you will all too soon become. Just do Mommy a favor and stay little for as long as you can, okay.
I love you more than life itself, Jaxon Thorpe. I never knew how much love my heart could hold, and then you came into my life.
Thanks for helping me understand.
Your Mommy

This just goes to prove....

that Sperry's look cute with everything.
Even pj's and your mom's black beaded necklace.

Warm Weater = Love

Last week we had a few warm days, and that made us soooooooooooo happy because we got to play outside!
Jax got to try out his new floppy hat. It looked so cute on him! Believe it or not, it was actually warm enough to hop into the pool for a little while! The water was cold but with 89 degree weather, it warmed up pretty quick!
Love this picture (but it needs to be flipped)...
This one is pretty cute too.
... and so is this one (NOT!). I can't believe that I just put this on the internet, but Jax really wanted me to get in the pool with him...
Sorry if you are gouging your eyes out right now...
Just think about how cute Jaxon is and it will make it all better!

Kelly's Personal Shower

The next four weeks are going to be crammed packed with weddings. Next weekend, our friends Megan and Bobby are tying the knot and two weeks after that Kelly and Brian are getting hitched.
We had so much fun at Kelly's personal shower a last weekend... She got lots of nice things to enjoy on her honeymoon... Well, I guess technically Brian will be the one enjoying them... ;)
Here I am with the beautiful bride-to-be...
All of the guests at the personal shower...
My best friends!
Kimberly, Kelly and I have been best friends our entire lives.
We are so happy for Kelly as she enters this next phase of her life.
There's nothing like married life and I know how excited Kelly is to begin her new life with her HUSBAND!
Love you Kel!

Going on a Bird Hunt.

One night last week there was a bird stuck in my in-law's garage. Everytime you tried to walk through the garage it would swoop down at your head. I hate birds so I wasn't a fan of this. Justin and Don decided that they were going to get the bird out. They got a fishing net and chased it for a while. Don finally got it, but he accidentally killed it instead of caught it in the net. Justin decided that he would pose with the bird like deer hunters pose with their big bucks.
Jaxon didn't know what to think...
and I don't really blame him!
It was a crazy time!

right before my eyes.

sometimes it feels like my baby boy has turned into a big boy right before my eyes. what happened to that tiny baby that i used to hold all day?
sometimes i want to tell time to slow down a little bit.
and often, when time doesn't listen, i want to take the clock, throw it against the wall, and break it.
because i don't think it's fair how fast it goes.
but since i can't slow it down (and it would do me no good to break the stupid clock) i'm going to try my hardest to enjoy every moment with this big boy. as fast as two came, first cars, high school proms and college graduation will be here before i know it.
so i'll cherish this time, because it's the best time of my life.

I'm a Horrible Person...

...well, I'd like to think that I'm not really a horrible person.
Just a horrible blogger.
I knew I was bad when Justin's aunt told me last week, "You've gotten really behind on your blog lately, haven't you?"
Yes, yes I have.
So once again, I'll try to catch up.
I offer you my most sincere apologies.
I will try to do better in the future.