Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cousin Lovin'

We watched Addi a couple of days last week, and her and Jax had so much fun. They snoozed together in our bed, proving that it really would be okay to have another kid right now, because 4 people really will fit in our bed. Then they played in Jaxon's bed... but no sleeping took place there. That would just be silly. Ask Jaxon.
Isn't she beautiful? Black eye and all...

If We Would Have Had a Little Girl...

...instead of a little boy, Justin wouldn't spend his afternoons playing ball and having wrestling matches. Instead, he would be getting his hair brushed.
And oh, how different life would be.

Hurt Toe...

The daddy hurt his toe. This is him trying to drill a hole in it. It was disgusting. He was in pain.
Poor Daddy.

Long Time, No Post...

Has it really been a week since I've posted anything? Wow. I'm sorry guys. Last week my kid was "pukey" and this week I'm subbing. But there is much to say, so I'll try my hardest to post soon. Jaxon has a Doctor's Appointment with Dr. Kest of Purchase ENT today at 2:45. We are expecting tubes very soon. Believe it or not, the doctor's seem to think that putting tubes in his ears will not only take care of his reoccurring ear infections, but it will also help with the throwing up. We are praying that it will. I will update you about this situation, and about everything else going on in the life of the Mason's very soon... Until then..........

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Back at Square One.

The throwing up has started again. It feels like we are back at square one. I put a call into the pediatric gi doctor at vanderbilt that we saw two weeks ago, and I am waiting for a call back from the nurse.
Today has been a day of clean up. That's what Jax is doing in the pic... helping Mommy clean up his mess. Poor little guy...

Gross Me Out.

Last night, Jax got a sucker at the gas station. Needless to say, he made a mess. We put him in the tub, but he wasn't ready to give the sucker up yet.

Sticky, happy baby.

The Most Blessed Sunday...

Not only was Sunday extremely busy, but Sunday was also an important, special day for me. Sunday marked my 9th spiritual birthday. March 22, 2000, nine years ago Sunday, I asked Jesus to come into my heart, to forgive me of my sins, and to save me for all eternity. He did. And I've been saved ever since...

God is good. He had a plan for my life, and that humbles me to tears. God is good.

Sunday Blessings...

Sunday, although technically a week end day, is always a busy day for the Masons. This Sunday was especially busy. Sunday morning we, of course, had Sunday School and church. After church, our family all went to Justin's parents house to celebrate Justin's Aunt Janet's birthday. We ate some wonderful food... but at 3:00, I had to be back at church. Jaxon was playing outside with his family, so I left him with them. I went to the church for Speechless (a sign language group that I lead at church) practice. At 5:00 we had discipleship training, and then at 6:00 we had evening worship. Justin preached Sunday night. I know that I am partial because he is mine, but he did an amazing job. God definitely spoke through him and I am proud that he was sensitive to God's voice and His Word. After church we went and ate with our friends at Los Pinos... It was a busy Sunday, but most certainly a blessed Sunday.
I was able to get some pictures of Jaxon and Mya. They weren't in the best mood, but they did look cute!
Little man has a new evil look that he likes to give people. This is one version of it, although it does get worse...
I told him to give Moo Moo love. He tried to hug her, but she didn't want him to.

Here's the pretty little girl that is going to be a big sister in only a few short weeks!

And here's Mr. Grumpy Gills. Oh the joys of little boys!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Daffodil Hill

Wednesday, Jax and I went to our friend Megan's grandparent's farm. They have a beautiful hill out in their field that is covered with daffodils each March. I thought that this would be an awesome place to take some pictures. I will warn you that I posted a lot of them, but it was really hard for me to try to pick my favorites!

Please comment and let me know which pictures you like best!

I was very pleased with the way that they turned out!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

We're wearing green.
The sun is shining.
It sure has been a Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Jaxon the Explorer...

Yesterday it was finally warm outside so my Mommy let me go outside and play for a little while. I am quite the explorer after all... So me and Lucy set out on our adventure...

I ran across the driveway as fast as I could. It just felt so good to be outside!

I picked up, played with, and even tasted the grass and some rocks...

I tried my hardest to find something to get in to...

I laughed a little at my mom... she cracks me up!
Being outside simply made me happy. Come on already, won't ya, Spring. We won't tell that silly groundhog!

A Big Weekend...

This weekend was the big Brown/Beale wedding... Brittany, the bride, has been one of my best friends since high school. I thank God for her and for her friendship and I was honored to stand with her on her wedding day.
Friday night was the rehearsal and the rehearsal dinner... Here is the beautiful couple on the night before their wedding.

...and here is me and the love of my life at J Edwards for the rehearsal dinner...

This is Brittany and her Daddy...

Getting ready to leave for the rehearsal...

Me, Katy and Britt. I don't know what I'd do without these two girls.

Saturday was the big day...

...and Brittany was beautiful.

Of course she's always beautiful, but Saturday she was even more beautiful than normal...


The groom was handsome, too.

And put together, they were as pretty as a picture.

I love these girls. Have I mentioned that?

and I love this picture. This is Britt and Sam's nephew Issac and niece Isabella... They were way too cute.

Love YOU Britt... you were a beautiful bride and I'm proud to call YOU my friend.