Friday, May 29, 2009

Who Let the Dogs Out?

Yesterday, my Dad watched Jaxon. They had a lot of fun playing outside all day. Dad just got a new swimmig pool and a friend came over to help him build a deck. I didn't really figure that they would get much done with Jax there, but they actually did. Dad said that Jaxon sat in a lawn chair for an hour and watched them build the deck, while eating half a bag of cheetos. That's Momma's boy! My Dad's lab recently had 13 puppies so I think that they kept Jaxon entertained. I took some pictures of him when I went to pick him up (unfortunately they are with my old point and shoot camera because my other camera's battery is dead).

The only bad thing about all the fun that was had today? Jax got roasted.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Jax Talk

Jax: "I need you."
Me: "You need me?"
Jax: "I need me."

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26, 2008

This is a picture of my baby one year ago today. How sad is this? Time, please slow down. Please.

Memorial Day

Our Memorial Day weekend was fun and eventful but my camera died Saturday night at The Wyatt's so I don't have any pictures to share with you. Sunday morning at church we had a really good service in honor/memory of our veterans. I am thankful that I live in this country and I am thankful for the men and women that have served and died to make us free. My husband preached a good sermon and we had a good lunch at my MIL and FIL's after church. Then we took a nap. Sunday night we went back to church where my husband preached another good sermon and we had our last small group after church. I will miss having small group bible studies with these girls! Then we played cornhole, where, for the most part, Ber and I dominated.

Monday morning Jax and I went to Paducah with Kelly Jo and Austin (Justin's cousins) and Susie (Justin's aunt). We shopped and ate. Yesterday afternoon Jus and I played tennis with Josh and Ber where we pretty much got dominated. We had another wonderful family dinner last night.

So that was our Memorial day weekend in a nut shell. Sorry for the lack of pictures.


Saturday night we went over to our buddies The Wyatt's house... There were lots of pics from our evening, but I only picked a few to post.
Here are the boys playing "Ultimate" yard darts. Notice Justin and Jacob on the right hand side of the pic. If you look real close you can see Kody and Josh really small on the left side. These boys were crazy throwing those darts so far.Here is my family. I'm blessed. I love these boys.
Here are the partners in crime trying to bust out of the house. Little Micah Dale started walking Saturday. These boys are growing up too fast.
Here's the cool dude sitting in the grass.
And here's the other cool dude climbing the steps on the deck. This is what he preferred to do all night.
Here's me and my best friend Ber.

Here's Jax playing with the big boys. He thinks he's as big as them.
Here's me and Meg playing yard darts. Ber and I played against Meg and Lindsey.
Here's Ber and Lindsey.
Here's our crew. We were teaching the boys how to play Boochie Ball and I thought it was hilarious that we were traveling throughout the yard in a big cluster.
We had so much fun Saturday night. Lindsey kicked out butts in phase 10... It wasn't fun. But all in all, a fun time was had by all.
Thank God for good friends.

What Cousins do on a Friday Night.

When cousins are together at their Nana and Pappy's house on a Friday night, lots of things happen.
#1) Jax wears Nana's glasses. #2) Moo Moo reads the paper.
and #3) well Ava just lays there being all cute and chubby.
Cousins have so much fun.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hungry Boy?? Are You My Child??

Yesterday apparently my son ate all day. Megan said that he ate good for her while she had him and he ate really good for us yesterday afternoon. When I went to pick him up at the nursery after church last night they said he had eaten about 1500 cookies (I'm sure this was a small exaggeration, but hey, he was eating) and then when we got home he walked over to his high chair and cried for me to put him in. I gave him some yogurt and he ate almost all of that. So, I don't know what's up exactly but I am glad that my kid has decided that maybe food isn't that bad.

Anniversary Gifts

Yesterday, my wonderful husband sent me these beautiful flowers for our anniversary... Isn't he sweet? (Note: My camera was my gift for every special occasion this year, so I really wasn't expecting these flowers). And I bought him this handy dandy "arm holder for his ipod touch when he runs." (I have no idea what it is actually called, I just know that this is what he wanted and now he won't have to run with his ipod in his pants.) And P.S. Jax isn't asleep. He's attacking Justin.
I also printed and framed this family pic for Jus to put in his office at work.
We had a wonderful third anniversary and look forward to many more to come....

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Three Wonderful Years...

Dear Beautiful Husband,
Three years ago I became your wife. That day made me the happiest woman on the face of the earth. I love you today even more than I did then. You are the perfect husband for me and the perfect father for our son. I have no clue what I did before you and now that I've found you, I have no clue what I would do without you... Only God could love you more.
Your Blessed Wife

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Eosinophillic Esophagitis

That's what Jaxon has. Yea, I know... You have no idea what that means. Basically his esophagis is allergic to food. We don't really know what kind of food (maybe dairy?)... but there are two different ways to treat this. The first way is to put him on a strict diet to try to figure out exactly what is giving him all of the problems. This would be really hard for a 14 month old... especially a 14 month old like Jaxon that doesn't eat very much period. The second way is to use an inhaler called Flovent. He can use this inhaler, and eat whatever he wants. The doctor did do a biopsy, and we will know the results from this next Wednesday or Thursday. Once the biopsy comes back and as long as it is okay, which the doctor was 98% sure it would be, we will start treating the eosinophillic esophagitis... So thank you all for praying. And thank You Lord for taking care of my little boy...

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Beach: Day 2

Our second (and last) attempt at the beach was not a successful one. Monday night, it rained for a little while here, so the sand was wet. Wet sand, plus baby hands, plus eyeballs are not a good combination. Within the first two minutes, Jax got sand in his eyes, so we packed up our stuff and headed to the pool.
Even in Florida, Jaxon is keeping things clean. Jax and Daddy passing the football during the about 1.5 peacful minutes we had on the beach.
Jaxon crying. He had sand in his eyes and Halle took a shovel away from him.
His sweet little feet in the sand.
Playing in the water-hose. This has been Jaxon's favorite past time this week.
There's so much more where this came from!

A Toe Update.

Justin's toe nail fell off. I know that those of you who are anxiously anticipating my posts are disappointed that this is what I posted about, but here you go...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Florida: More Day One

Here's little Mr. Personality at supper last night. He loved the fries, but he really just wanted to eat ketchup with a spoon. Pretty smile.
On the beach. Ignore the whale (a.k.a. the Mom).
Playing in the sand.
Looking way too cute.

Florida: Day One

Here are a few pictures from day one... I'm having some issues with the wireless internet here, so hopefully I'll be able to post more later.
Here's Jax playing in the water coming from the water hose... So far, that's been his favorite thing to do. Daddy and Jax... hand in hand.
And sleeping after a long day at the beach.
We ate supper last night at Angelo's Steak House... It was wonderful!
And here's little man brushing his teeth before bed... because good hygeine is important, even in Florida.

Better Late Than Never...

Happy Late Mother's Day to Me.

Friday, May 8, 2009


I'm a little perplexed. How is it that a certain husband can hear thunder at 3:30 in the morning and jump out of bed to make sure that the flat screen TV is unplugged, but every night for the past 14 1/2 months, a child has been screaming and this certain husband has never heard him, or jumped up to get more milk?

That's my thought for the day. Because it perplexes me. And if that certain husband is reading this... I love you, babe. But you never cease to perplex me.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Stolen Picture.

I stole this picture off of my friend, Megan's blog. This one was taken yesterday when she babysat him. I love this little boy.

What Happens When You Have a Bad Day?

You do something drastic. Like cut your hair. Short. Or atleast that's what I do. Here is a before picture so you can be reminded of what my hair LOOKED like. This is at Prom Saturday night. Justin and I never went to prom together in high school, so this is our first prom picture...
Yea, that's me. And it's drastic. I'm not real crazy about it right now, but it is growing on me. And just because I haven't put any pics of Jax on here lately... here's a not so recent one that I never posted and decided would have to hold you over.

And I want to leave you with the assurance that I am a bit better today. Jax is still sick... but Gravel is much better and we found out that she was going to get to go to a inpatient rehab program at Murray Hospital and not have to go to the nursing home. This is a huge relief and I feel so much better knowing this. And it's hard to be too sad when you know that the beach is only 4 days away... :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Breaking Point.

That's where I'm at right now. And I really don't like to complain- but I'm going to this just once. So if you don't want to hear me complain, stop reading now. There's your warning. If you don't mind hearing me complain this once, read on... because we're headed to Complain City.
Ultimately, I realize that I have nothing to complain about. I have a wonderful life, a wonderful husband, a wonderful little boy. But sometimes I get weak and Satan attacks. And I guess that's where I'm at now. I'm tired and I'm weak. And Satan's playing on that. I hate him.
But anyway... Poor Jax is throwing up a lot. I know some of you may think that is nothing new, and it's not. But my frustration level has reached an all time high. Friday night he started running a fever. He ran a temperature of 102 throughout the night. Saturday morning he still had a temperature and was pale with dark circles under his eyes. He ran a fever all day and all through the night Saturday night as well. Sunday morning I stayed home from church with him and Sunday night he seemed to be feeling a little bit better. Having the fever was bad enough, but since he ran a fever, we had to reschedule his endoscopy that was supposed to be yesterday. The anesthesiologist will not give kids anesthesia unless they have been fever free for a week. So they rescheduled his endoscopy for May 19th...
He wasn't running a fever Monday morning, so I went to school. While I was at school I got a phone call that Gravel had fell at home and broke her hip. My uncle had found her in the kitchen. So they did surgery on her hip Monday afternoon. The surgery went well, but there are lots of things that still need to be taken care of... that I just can't talk about right now. Just please keep praying for my Gravel and my family. So Monday night... I broke down. I cried harder than I had cried in a long time. I'm just tired, frustrated and need rest.
Then Tuesday came... Justin stayed home with Jax on Tuesday. Sometime during 2nd block, I got a phone call from Justin saying that Jaxon almost pinched the end of his middle finger off in our DVD shelf. He was asking what I thought I should do. I told him if he felt like he needed to go to the ER then to go, but he decided not to. When I got home, his finger was still pretty red, but it didn't seem to be bothering him too much. Justin had to go to the church for a deacon's meeting, so he took my car. I needed to go to the hospital to see Gravel, so I was going to take Justin's truck, but he had already told one of our friends that he could borrow it to move something. So I asked my MIL to borrow her jeep to go to the hospital. Of course, she let me. We went to the hospital and then we went to eat at Los Pinos with my Mom, Aunt and Cousins. On the way home from Los Pinos, Jaxon threw up everywhere. Yes, in Connie's jeep. For those of you who don't know, three weeks ago he threw up in her jeep and we just now got the smell out. Now he did it again. My Mom was in front of me, so I called and asked her to pull over and help me get Jaxon and the car cleaned up. Mom stopped and helped me... I got home, put Jax in the tub and then tried to get the cover off of the car seat so that I could wash it. I know that this sounds like a simple task, but it wasn't. To make a long story short, after almost two hours of me trying, me crying, Justin trying, me crying, Don trying, me crying, Connie trying, me crying (did I mention I cried?)... we had to cut the cover off of the carseat. I told Connie that we may have to buy her a carseat for Mother's Day...
We got home and went to bed. I thought I just needed to get to bed and nothing else could happen. Jaxon had another throwing up spell at around 11:30. It was bad. Not bad as in volume wise (but that was pretty bad, too) but bad as in pain. He was hurting and it was evident. It just breaks my heart.
He actually slept pretty well last night. He was probably just wore out from throwing up so much. I slept pretty well too. I was probably just wore out from crying so much. I got up this morning and got ready for school. No car keys. Anywhere. My car keys were nowhere to be found. Refer to earlier in the post to see who drove my car last. Ahem. Anyway. So I searched for my keys for about 20 minutes. Never found them. So I drove Justin's truck to school and I'm not sure how he's going to get around today. I pulled up at the school about 2 minutes before the bell rang. That wouldn't matter so much if I knew what I was teaching today. See the teacher that I am subbing for has stopped sending me lesson plans, and all that I knew that I was supposed to teach today was Dance. Dance, huh. I thought about standing in front of the class and doing a jig, but then I remembered that I'm just really not that good of a dancer. So we're watching Mama Mia. That has dance in it.
So, back to my breaking point. That's where I am. So pray for me. Pray that I'll remember that God sees the big picture and I can only see the small one. He has done all of this for a reason, and I just have to trust that He knows better than me. I've got all the pieces to the jigsaw puzzle, the broken, tore up pieces. God has the cover of the box. He knows what the picture is supposed to look like when the puzzle is finished being put together. And all I have is the pieces. Right now I'm frustrated with this puzzle. So pray for me, please.
And for those of you that stuck around... thanks for letting me complain.