Saturday, June 27, 2009

Going Green.

A few weeks ago, I got to take pictures of the Green Girls. Madison, Maci and Evan are Deena's daughters and they are three precious little girls. Here is a sneak peek of their pics. For more, go visit the photography website....

Where a Kid Can be a Kid... Chuck E. Cheese... of course.
Yesterday was Micah Dale's first birthday and his family asked us to come along and celebrate at Chuck E. Cheese. I took lots of pics but here were some of my favorites.
Me, Jax, Micah and Lindsey up in the tunnels. Micah hated them! My favorite boy in the whole wide world.
The Wyatt family after Micah opened his first lawn mower.
Micah and his Mommy in the tunnel.
Me and Jax coming down the slide. It didn't go very fast.
Best buddies.
Micah and Lindsey coming down the slide. Micah's face shows exactly how he felt about it.
Micah and Lindsey riding the horse. He liked this much better, but Linds liked it even more than he did.
Me and Jax riding the horse. He didn't like it so much.
Jax and his daddy playing "Who Wants to be a Millionaire." They won 3 tickets.
Happy One Year Old Boy.
Climb big boy, climb.
Yay! You made it.
Love this face.

Chuck E. Cheese's... where a kid can be a kid...

Cheese... and Shoo....

Jaxon has officially learned to say "cheese" when I take a picture of him. It cracks me up. You wouldn't believe how funny this kid has been this week. He has had a vocabulary explosion (he repeats just about everything we say) and he's hilarious.

A Funny Story:
I'm really hesitant to post this story because it's embarassing for me, but it's probably the funniest thing that Jaxon has ever said/done... and since this is HIS blog, I'll sacrifice.
For the past week or so, when I change his poopy diapers, he says "shooo". That's what I've always said when they stink and he's picked that up. Well yesterday Jaxon and I went to the mall. Basically everything I eat eventually hurts my stomach so I had to go in the JC Pennys restroom. Jax was in the stroller so I just pushed him into the handicap stall with me. Like I said, my stomach was really hurting. You can put two and two together, right. Well, Jaxon starts screaming "Shoo Momma. Shoo Momma." I was trying to get him to be quiet but I couldn't stop laughing. Then I heard some other women who were washing their hands start laughing. Well, anyone that knows Jax knows that if you laugh at him, he just does it more. The kid would not stop saying "Shoo Momma."
Even though it was a tad bit embarassing, it was hilarious. Oh the things this boy is going to get me into...


Yesterday, Jaxon's best buddy Micah Dale turned one.
Happy 1st Birthday Little Dude.
I can't wait to see what kind of trouble you one year olds get into during your second year of life together.

The Mohawk... Revisited

Thursday night, I gave Jax a mohawk for our softball game. It was hot and I figured having his hair off of his head would help a bit. His mohawk has gotten really tall because his hair has gotten so long!

This kid is cute, no matter how he wears his hair.

Some Wierdos From Church

Well, maybe they're not wierdos, but these pics sure are fun. Too funny not to share actually.

Oh, the fun times we have at church...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Mashed Potatoes... Good to the Last Drop.


Sunday, not only did we celebrate Father's Day with the rest of the world, but we also celebrated Connie, my MIL's, birthday. Her 50th birthday to be exact. It was a day full of celebrations!

The two most important men in my life. They are my everything. Literally.Family photo.

Connie's beautiful (and scrumptious) birthday cake...Angie and baby Ava...
Justin, Kyler and Don

Don and his boys, Justin and Jonathan. 3 Fathers on Father's Day.

Moo Moo being all sweet laying in the floor.

Connie looking at her gift from us.

The small scrapbook we made Connie.

Don, Connie, their kids and grandkids.

Nana with Jax and Mya.

Family is my favorite thing to celebrate!

Megan and Heather Made Me Do It.

Saturday night we went over to my Dad's for Father's Day. We grilled out, played cornhole and swam in their new pool.

Here is Jax with his aunt Kacie, not really happy to not be being held by his Mommy.and here's Addi. Addi got put in the hospital today (Tuesday). She was running a high temperature and is dehydrated. Say a prayer that she feels better soon.

Here's Jax playing with the puppies. They've gotten so big!

Here's me and my favorite little man and red headed niece.

Here's the first man I ever loved and the newest love of my life.

Now to explain the title of this post. I hate father's day. I really do. Father's day has been hard for me since my dad left. One of my least favorite things to do is to shop for a father's day card. I really have a difficult time doing that. But after reading Megan and Heather's posts about their dad, I felt this was necessary. No matter what has happened in the past, my dad is still my dad and I love him for that. He changed my diapers and rocked me to sleep, just like I do my son now. I guess you don't understand parents totally until you have a child. I pray that I never mess up like my father did. I pray that I never hurt my son the way that I was hurt by my father and the choices that he made. But I also pray that my son always loves me regardless of what happens, because I gave him life.

I've learned a lot from my dad. The most important lessons he's taught me is that people deserve a second chance... forgiveness is important... and there's no love like a parent's love.

Happy Father's Day.