Monday, November 30, 2009

Gavin's 1st Birthday Party (Nov. 21)

A few weeks ago, we had Mr. Gavin's 1st Birthday Party... It's hard to believe that this little guy is already a year old! He and Jax had so much fun in his new cozy coupe... Jax kept telling Gavin to push him.
His cake looked and tasted awesome! My friend Lindsey did a great job, once again!
Gav thought his cake tasted great!
Jax was Nana's boy at the party.
It's such a blessing that Jaxon has so many cousins his age to grow up with!
Happy 1st Birthday Gavin Austin!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


If there is one word that sums up my life- that word would be blessed.
I am truly blessed. And I am truly thankful. But I'm not just thankful because I'm blessed. I would be thankful even if I were not so blessed because I do not deserve all of the blessings that I have been given. The Lord never ceases to amaze me and I find myself asking Him everyday "Why do You choose to bless ME so?"
If I were to sit for the rest of my life, listing all of the things that the Lord has done for me, then I would surely someday die with pen in hand and an incomplete, unfinished list. But I'm thankful.
And I have to start somewhere.
So I'll start with what I'm thankful most for... and that's the One who gave me all of these blessings. I'm thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'd be nothing without Him... He has given me so much more than what I ever deserved, simply by sending His Son to die for me... and then He continues to bless me. I just don't get it. But I know I love Him. And He died for me, so the least I can do is live for Him...
Apart from my Lord, the thing that I am most thankful for is my family. My husband is my rock, my joy, my life. I love him more and more each day. He is the only one that can truly get to me. When I don't want to laugh, he's there to make me. When I try not to smile, he's the only one that can get it out of me. No one else can melt my heart with a single glance and can make my heart skip a beat by reaching for my hand. He is an awesome man of God, a hard worker, and unbelievably adorable- and I am blessed to call him mine. My son is my world. He holds my heart in the palm of his tiny hand. His new favorite phrase is "Momma I want you." It makes me smile all over when I hear him say this... Last night he told me, "I need to hold you." Could he possibly be any more precious? He is my special blessing... the one I wake up every day for.
I am thankful for my Mom. She has taught me so much about life- about strength. I am thankful that she has found someone to love and spend the rest of her life with in Dale... I am thankful for my Gravel. She's taught me so much about true love. I am thankful for my sister and my niece... Kacie and I do not see eye to eye on many things, but she's one of my very best friends. Addison is hilarious and I know I can always count on her for a laugh. I am thankful for my dad and the change that he has made in his life. I am thankful for my aunts, uncles, cousins... I'm just thankful.
I was blessed to marry into an awesome family. I have an amazing Mother-in-law and father-in-law. They've always been there for me and Justin and I'm pretty much crazy about them. I am thankful for Jonathan, Angie, Kyler, Mya and Ava- Jaxon's Uncle, Aunt and Cousins. He loves them, and it's such a joy watching these kids grow up together. Justin also has an awesome extended family. Some of my closest friends are my husband's cousins, and that's such a blessing.
I've always had an amazing group of friends. Growing up with Kimberly and Kelly holds many of my favorite memories. The three of us, and Courtney and Kelly had so much fun as kids. When we got a little older, the "little girls" started hanging out with us some, and we grew to love Kelsie, Linsey and Kayla so much. As we've gotten older, other friends have come into our circle and I love each of these girls so much. Megan, Heather, Lindsey, Jamie and Amy have been a huge blessing in my life the past few years. Katy and Brittany are two of my very special friends that I know no matter how much time goes by, we'll always pick up right back where we left off.
I have been blessed with an amazing church family. Being married to someone in the ministry is a scary thing because I know that there will come a day that I will no longer be "at home." But I am thankful that God has given us a chance to serve at a church that has been my home for my entire life.
I am thankful for you. My blog readers. My blog wouldn't be near as much fun to write if no one read it. Thank you for reading and sharing in our lives. Thank you for commenting and letting me know that you care...
My eyes are getting tired- so I need to wrap this up. I am thankful for all of this, and I am thankful for all of the things that I haven't mentioned. I pray that I never take all of these blessings for granted... "Thank You Lord... how could I ask for more."
Happy Thanksgiving Friends...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Let the Thankfulness Begin... (11-18-09)

Last Wednesday night was our annual Thanksgiving dinner at church. We ate... We ate...
... and we ate some more.
The feasting has officially begun... we can't wait until Thursday!
I've lost 15 pounds on my diet, but you better believe that I'm ready for me some Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Jack of all Trades

I bet you're wondering why I took a picture of a piece of paper, right?Take a closer look...

It's the syllabus for the class that my husband now teaches at Mid-Continent University. Yep, my hubby is a "college professor" now :) Just add that to the list of things that he already does, and call him a jack of all trades...

P.S- He smiled for this picture against his will. He did not want me to post this on here. It embarrasses him...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


As referred to in previous post:
Monday night, we put up our tree around here. Tuesday, as I was doing laundry, I noticed that Jaxon was making several trips to and from the tree. So I went over to check things out. And this is what I found. Little matchbox cars, lining the bottom branches of my beautiful tree.
I guess this is life with little boys?
I can just imagine him thinking to himself, "Mommy let me put balls on the tree. I guess I'll put some cars on there too."
I love the way that boys mind thinks, even if his cars don't exactly match my tree.

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Hey Jax? What's that big box you're playing in?
The Christmas Tree Box, of course...
Monday night, the Mason's put up their tree... ... and a beautiful tree it is.
All lit up.
Jax helped decorate. He hung every ornament on one branch, but he helped.
He loves his Christmas tree. He talks about it constantly, tells it goodnight before he goes to bed, and shares his toys with it during the day (pictures to follow).
It really is the most wonderful time of the year...
But every day is pretty wonderful with this kid.

J-Man's 1st Trip to the Movie (11-12-09)

So, last Thursday night, this little guys Daddy decided that he was now big enough to go to the movie for the very first time. Before you laugh out loud, let me inform you that he watches movies at home like a champ. I didn't think that he was necessarily ready for the theatre, but I went along with his Daddy's plan, nonetheless. We went to Mayfield and saw "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs." Through the previews and for the first 15 minutes of the movie, Jax was awesome. He sat on his booster seat in between us and ate popcorn.
But that all changed quickly. 15 minutes in to the movie, this dude was ready to run...
...and we let him. Because we were at Mayfield and we were the only three people in the whole entire theatre. That's right folks. THE ONLY PEOPLE. So, we let him run. And we enjoyed our popcorn and our animated film.
Jax's next movie? Probably his first date. I'm not sure his Daddy will ever take him back.


What do you do...

...when it's 1:38 in the a.m. and you can't sleep?
Well, you catch up your neglected blog of course.
How many of you have missed seeing pictures of this face? Yea, I thought so.
Don't feel bad. I'd miss it if I didn't get to see it every day either...
Oh, and Heather. This is for you.
Our light bulb shot in the utility room so I had to take the light fixture down to change the bulb. Inside I found a billion lady bugs. A for real billion.
See, I told you that you weren't the only one that these stubborn little dudes were bothering the heck out of...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Ready to Run...

I have a prayer request...
Our Anna Grace is having a very serious surgery in the morning at 7:15 a.m. Please be praying for her. Her surgery is called a selective dorsal rhizotomy and it will take place at St. Louis Children's Hospital. Anna Grace was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy when she was two years old. It has not affected her mind. She's so smart! But it has affected her physically. Anna Grace has a hard time walking like the rest of the kids here age.
Tomorrow the doctor plans to go in through Anna Grace's spinal cord and snip nerve fibers that cause the spasticity and tightness in Anna Grace's leg. If all goes as planned, which we have faith that it will, Anna Grace will be able to walk and RUN like other eight year olds.
Anna Grace is going to be in a lot of pain for several days following the surgery and will be in a wheelchair for a few weeks. She will also have to go through several months of intense physical therapy.
Please pray for the doctors that will be performing the surgery tomorrow. Pray that there will be no complications and that this surgery will be a success. Pray for Anna Grace. Pray for her parents and her family. Just pray.
Sweet Anna Grace,
Jax is ready to run with you!
We love you precious girl!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mom and Dale's Reception!?!

Sunday afternoon we went over to Dale's sisters for Mom and Dale's reception, or something like that. We never all got together after their wedding so we decided to do it Sunday.
Jax and Day sat on the tractor for a little while. Day pushed Jax and Ad on the swing...
She loved it...
He loved it...
They held hands as they swung higher and higher into the air...
We got a family picture...
Here's the happy couple...
And Jax and one of his many "aunts."
Celebrating is always fun, even if it is almost 7 months late!

Creative Ministries

This past weekend, some of the Speechless girlies from church (plus my hubs) went to Somerset KY for a Creative Ministries conference...
We learned three new songs to bring back and perform at church.
Love these girls! Ber, Heather and Me. Love this husband...
and love these girls too... Jamie and Makenzie.
Lousiville in March, here we come!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Flashback Friday

This is one of my favorite pictures of me and my mom.
Mom is keeping Jaxon this weekend while Justin and I are out of town for the creative ministries conference.
Good luck and God speed Mom. I'll say a prayer for you come bed time...


Trick-or-Treating really wears our little boy out.
Here's the puppy dog last year, tuckered out after trick-or-treating... ... and here's our lion this year. Fast asleep on the way home.
After all, it sure is hard work...

Halloween Weekend...

Last weekend was Halloween weekend, and we were so busy.
Friday night we went out to my Dad's house and carved pumpkins. Here are mine and Justin's finished products. I carved the one with Jax's name and Justin carved the awesome smiling face... The Lion and his Papaw.
Mommy, Daddy and their little cub...
Daddy and Baby Lion...
Jaxon and his "Uncle" Carson. They have so much fun together!
Here's the lion with his face all painted up right before we left to go trick-or-treating...
He's precious...
The Mason cousins... I took about 30 pictures of the three of them and this is the best one that I got.
Precious Baby Ava Bunny....
And Mya, the pretty witch.
The lion took off running through the leaves and the daddy had to go retrieve him.
The lion with his Gran and Gravel.
The Lion with the Pirate family.
The lion and his best buddy, the chicken.
Halloween #2 was a success!