Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treat-Smell My Feet

Last night was the big "Trick or Treat!"
I had so much fun with this little dinosaur... Even if he did fall asleep in the car before we ever got to our destination.
It's funny because I have a picture of him asleep in his carseat every single year that we have gone trick-or-treating...
first the sleeping puppy dog,
then the sleeping lion,
and now the sleeping dinosaur...
We stopped by Gran's house and Jaxon's cousins Addi (Dorothy) and Justice were there...
They were ready to go to trunk or treat at the church!
Fred and Wilma (Kody and Heather) made an appearance at Truck-or Treat! Their costumes were so cute!
Sally and Rob had a scary corn field... but Jax wasn't too afraid of them...
There were some cute little fairies on the church hay ride...
Jesse James and Tiger Lily were there as well!
Drew was such a cute little chunky monkey!
And our friend Rylee the Giraffe came all the way from St. Louis...
Ava Lane made the cutest little Kitty Cat...
And Moo-Moo sported one of her many princess dresses...
Micah Dale, Jax's best friend, was scared to death of Jaxon the dinosaur. It was hilarious!
Jaxon and Addi also had fun playing in the Johnson's wagon!
Halloween 2010 was so much fun! We can't wait to trick or treat with both of our kiddos next year, and believe it or not, Mommy already has their costumes planned! :)
Happy Halloween Everyone!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Story-time at the Library- Halloween Style

This morning, Jax and his cousins went to the library for story time.
Since Halloween is this weekend, they were encouraged to wear their costumes and they got to have a Halloween party.
The librarian read Halloween themed books, and the kids listened intently.
After story-time was over, all of the little costumed kiddos trick-or-treated to the library workers.

After they were finished trick-or-treating, they made arts and crafts.
Jax really liked making this pumpkin, and he couldn't wait to get home and show it to Daddy.

After they made crafts, they had snacks!
Story-time is so much fun, and something that we plan to start doing more often...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hanging out with the Old Folks

Today we had the priveledge of going on the "fall foliage" tour with the senior adults in our church. Daddy drove one of the church vans, so Jax and I decided to tag along. These senior adults are such a blessing in our lives. Most of them watched me grow up and have been such an encouragement to me during different times of my life. I feel blessed that my husband is now a part of their lives as well, and that they are also getting to see my little one(s) grow up...
These two guys are the biggest blessings in my life...
There's not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for them and those great big smiles...

We can't wait until next fall with baby brother or sister, and to see what fun it has to hold...

Boy Next Door

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Scariest Dinosaur EVER!

Okay, so maybe he's not the SCARIEST dinosaur ever... but he...
sure is...
the CUTEST dinosaur EVER!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

First Rodeo...

We went to our very first rodeo tonight-
well Jaxon and I did atleast.
As for Justin, this wasn't his first rodeo. I enjoyed it much more than I anticipated.
Jax did too.
Well, he loved the horses, but he wasn't as impressed with the bull riding.
I was the opposite.
I enjoyed the bull riding much more...

We even had a mini photo shoot up in the stands when Jax said,
"Hey Mom! Take a picture of me!"
(and he made this funny face)
"Take a picture of me again!"
(and he made this funny face)
"One More Time!"
(and he made this funny face)
Yes folks, he may be ruined...
but he's my own little ruined boy!
And I wouldn't have him any other way!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Pumpkin Painting 2010

Tonight was our annual pumpkin painting party with the Mason family...
The little kids had to take their clothes off to paint, because we anticipated that they would get very messy...
and we anticipated correctly. Moo Moo has inherited the famous "Pappy smile."
This guy loves painting...

Love that cheesy smile!
Justin and I worked hard on our pumpkins...
Here is my finished product...
and here is Justin's...
and Baby Jaxon's blue pumpkin. We tried to talk him into using different colors, but he insisted on just using blue.
The family, minus Nana, the picture taker.
Painting pumpkins was fun, just as it is every year...
We are so thankful for family traditions.