Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Holmes Family Christmas (12-24-09)

On Christmas Eve, we always have lunch with my Mom's family. This year we had lunch and opened gifts at my aunt Sally's house. This little guy looked way too cute! Even when he won't smile, he's still precious...
The Henderson/Widelski/Gill clan... Love this picture of them...
Gran and her two favorite kiddos, watching the video that our family gave to Gravel.
Me, My beautiful mom, and my gorgeous sister...
Me, my Gravel and my son.
Family is the greatest gift, and every year I am more and more thankful for the family that God has blessed me with!

Watching TV

The other night I got up to go to the bathroom. When I came back, this is how I found Jax watching TV. Daddy was out... Jax was concentrating hard. I thought it was hilarious!

Buzz Lightyear

Space Ranger!

Impromptu Photo Shoot with Ber and Kel (12-20-09)

After our Christmas cantata at church, Jaxon decided to have an impromptu photo shoot with Ber and Kel. Even though none of the pictures turned out just awesome... they were pretty funny, and possibly frame worthy.
Mommy decided to get in on the action, but then Jax just wanted to look at me!
This is probably the best one of the four of us...
These girls have been my two best friends for my entire life, and I am so thankful that they are a part of my son's life as well.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas with Gran and Day (12-20-09)

We celebrated Christmas with Gran and Day and Day's girls the Sunday before Christmas.
Little man looked so spiffy all dressed up in his suit... I love this picture of Jax and Addi... too bad Jaxon refused to look at the camera.
Jaxon and Daddy opening a present...
Gravel opening her gift from me... Her Gloria Gaither book, autographed.
Me and my favorite 22 month old. Unfortunately, Daddy does not know how to center a picture :(
And my favorite little red headed niece. She got skates, and the works. Jax liked them a lot...
See? He was hilarious!
An intense game of Hungry, Hungry Hippos... Hilarious!
This was the first of our many Christmas celebrations this year...
Stay tuned for more!

Jaxon's Very Own Christmas Tree.

Tuckered out Shoppers (12-14-09)

Lindsey and I went shopping and apparently we wore our boys out!
I hope they enjoyed themselves though, because that will be the last time that they are allowed to go shopping with us for a really long time... :)


Well not Ketchup, but catch up.
That's what I need to do.
Here's some things that I need to blog about this week. I need some accountability guys... hold me to it. Ha ha.
-Christmas at Mom and Dale's (12-20)
- Holmes Family Christmas (12-24)
-Bridges Family Christmas (12-24)
-Santa came! (12-25)
-Mason Family Christmas (12-25)
-Thorpe Family Christmas (12-25)
-Henderson Family Christmas (12-26)
Yes, I know... that's a lot of Christmases...
Stay tuned friends... stay tuned.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Addison's 3rd Birthday (12-13-09)

It's so hard for me to believe that my little red-headed niece is already three...
We had a birthday party for her a few weeks ago, and like everything else in my life lately, I'm late blogging about it. We wanted a picture of her in front of her cake, but she wouldn't stand there by herself without Jaxon. Addi and her Mommy giving a high five after she blew her candles out!
Pretty girl eating her cake!
Jax watching Barney...
... and trying to bust the pinata...
The birthday girl, trying to blow up a balloon! I love this picture... it's hilarious!
Another awesome cake by my friend Lindsey.
Ad opening presents with her Mom and Dad...
Addi playing pin the tail on Barney...
Happy 3rd Birthday sweet girl! We love you...

Small Group Ornament Exchange (12-13-09)

Love these girls and the time that our winter semester of small group allowed for me to spend growing closer to them...

Partying with Friends (12-12-09)...

One of my favorite events of the Christmas season is always our friend Christmas party. Great food. Great friends. Great fellowship.... Who could want more. It's amazing how different things have gotten for us though. We went from a bunch of girls, to a bunch of dating couples, to a few married couples and a few engaged couples and a few still dating couples, to a few married couples with children and a few married couples and a few engaged couples and a few still dating couples...
Here's me and my little man... My husband was the "frito station." Jax and Micah couldn't eat enough fritos that night...
Jax opened his backyardigans glove and ball from josh and ber...
Our little green family...
Santa made an appearance...
...but he wasn't a hit with any of the kids.

But he was a hit with her... for some reason ;)
Our beautiful children...
We used to get girls pictures and guys pictures, and pictures of each couple. Another thing that goes to show how much life is changed is the fact that all of the pictures on my camera involved the kids...
Life is certainly different... but life is certainly good!

That Mommy...

...she's hilarious, I tell you.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Pretty Lights (12-11-09)...

Every year, Justin and I take the younger kids from church to see Christmas lights. We go to Noble Park, then Mike Miller Park, then we take them to eat. This year was so much fun, and Jaxon really enjoyed the "pretty lights..."
When we pulled up at both parks, we let him get out of the car seat and sit in my lap so that he could see the lights better. Our family. Meg said I should cut Justin out of this pic because it's a good one of me and Jax.
Jax helped Daddy drive through Mike Miller park and he only honked the horn once!
Santa was also at Mike Miller. I told Jax to give Santa love, and he just laid back on him...
Getting back on the church van after seeing Santa...
At Mr. Gatti's.
Jax being an all-star...
and being silly...
Christmas traditions are so much fun....