Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Good Day

It's a good day when you get to play some ball outside in February...

Creation Museum 2-18 (In Pictures)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Love Bug & His Love Bug... And Hard Lessons

The boys and I went to story-time at the library today, like we do every Thursday. Today was the Valentines Day party... One of the high lights of my entire day was watching my all-too-grown almost four-year-old pass out his valentines to his friends at storytime. His sly little grin was precious. He was proud to be giving people something, and it made me proud to see a giving spirit in my little boy. He makes me proud every day... :)
On a completely different note- God's trying to teach me some lessons and I feel that I have been more in tune to His voice this week than I have been in quite some time now. I won't go into detail about it now (but hope to be able to explain more later) but all too often in the past several years, I have felt like God was calling me, drawing me, leading me or convicting me to "do something" and I was either what I thought at the time to be too busy, or I simply ignored Him. But God smacked me upside the head with something so clear this week that it was impossible to ignore it, and I heard His voice. He's teaching me some things right now. I'm learning lessons in my personal life and my relationship with Him, and He's teaching me what He desires in me as a wife and as a mother. These lessons are hard, but I'm thankful that I'm finally ready to learn them...

Goodnight friends. Here's a picture of my little love bug and his love bug that he made at story-time today :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day <3

Valentine's Day is probably the silliest holiday there is, but every girl loves it. Cards, flowers, chocolate... What's not to love? But I'm blessed to be able to say that my boys (all 3 of them) make me feel loved every day of the year.
Poor Jax threw up throughout the night last night and has felt horrible all day. On top of trying to cut some serious molars, Knox also has some awful drainage. So I spent my Valentine's Day taking care of sick babies and cleaning house to try to keep germs from spreading... Happy Valentines Day to Mom, huh?
YES- Happy Valentines Day to Mom. I am so so so so very blessed with every day that God gives me with my family. I have an amazing, godly husband that's a hard working provider, and pretty handsome, too. I have an adorable, intelligent, inquisitive almost four year old that challenges my faith and makes my heart grow every day. I have a beautiful brown eyed baby boy that has a personality and a mind of his own, and who's little giggle can melt my heart faster than anything I've ever known.
Maybe Valentines Day isn't about flowers and chocolate anymore. But that's okay, because I'm pretty certain that this is what Valentines Day, and every day, is all about...