Sunday, January 31, 2010

81 Years...

This dear woman is 81 years old... This dear woman that has taught me so much about life- and so much about love.

81 years ago, God sent one of His most special blessings to this earth. My Gravel. I thank Him for her every day.

I love you the most, and I've loved you the longest.
Happy 81st Birthday!
Your Kendra Marie

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Giddy Up


Almost Two...

going on 60. That's right.
This little old man has decided to take over the recliner. It's his favorite place to lounge and watch his daily cartoons...
and it's his favorite place to sleep at night these days.
So long Mommy and Daddy's bed.
Hello Recliner.
And hello little old man!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Jaxon- "Mommy, I want you."
Mommy- "Okay, come here."
Jaxon- "I heavy. I fall."
This one requires a little explanation. Jax has been wearing underwear for the most part at home, and pull ups in public. The pull ups have "Cars" on them. Everytime I put a pull up on him, I try to remind him that it's different than a diaper and that he cannot pee pee/poo poo on the cars. However, last night he had on a huggies overnight diaper at bedtime, featuring Mickey Mouse.
Jaxon- "Potty!"
Mommy- "okay, let's go..."
Upon arriving in the bathroom, Jaxon- "I poo poo on my cars."
Looking down, Jaxon- "I poo poo on my MOUSE!"
Sunday Morning:
Mommy- "Jax, do you want to get ready to go to church?"
Jax- "I no go church an-more. I pay outside."

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Some Things Change- Some Things Don't

Jax Man got a new toy box from his Papaw for Christmas. And I'm just now getting around to getting it put in his room, and getting the toys that he got for Christmas organized (a little). He was using the toy box that I had as a kid. I cleaned out the toy box and got some toys together that he doesn't play with anymore to donate to the church. When the toy box was empty, he climbed right in. Then I got it out of the room, and got his new, beautiful UK toy box moved it. And he got in it too.
Some things change. Like toy boxes. Some things don't. Like my child's obsession with getting IN things.
And like my love for him, of course...

You're His Cheeseburger.

...Cuz he loves you cheeseburger, with all of his heart
and there's nothing gonna tear you two apart. And if the world suddenly ran out of cheese,
he would get down on his hands and knees
to see if someone accidently dropped some cheese in the dirt...
And he would wash it off for you...
Wipe it off for you...
Clean that dirty cheese off just for you..............
...Cuz you're his cheese.......buuuuurrrrr.....guuuuuuuuurrrrr!
(Please forgive me for my brief "Veggie Tales" moment. It happens sometimes. But this kid ate an entire cheeseburger at the ball game the other night. And he loved every bite!)

Thursday, January 21, 2010


It's almost softball weather around here.
And we've been practicing!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday Morning

I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord.
Psalm 122:1

World's Worst Date.

Saturday night, my husband and I went on a date. It had every intention of being awesome, but it really wasn't. We went to Doe's Eat Place for supper. Some friends had given us a gift certificate for Christmas. We had never eaten there before, but apparently two years ago the Food Network ranked their steaks third best in the US. Justin and I ordered our steaks "medium" and there was blood pooled up on both of our plates. We felt like the Cullens. We were still tasting blood the next morning. So supper... well, it wasn't so great.
Then we went to the movies to see "The Lovely Bones." This is one of my most favorite books ever. The movie was horrible. I was so disappointed. I felt bad that my husband had to sit through it with me. I told him that I owe him big time.
After the movie, we went through the Hardees drive-thru to get a milk shake. However, mine had what tasted like little hairs all in it. We came to the conclusion that it was the brush bristles from the brush that the milk shake gets stirred up with. (?) At least that's what my husband told me to keep me from throwing up.
I told Justin that I wanted to take our picture. This is what I got. Me smiling, him not smiling. So I told him to look like he loved me. And this is what I got. He looked like he wanted to eat my face.
I told him to look sad. Because that's what our date was. Sad. And this is what I got.
And these are our happy faces.
Because no matter how bad our date was, we still love each other.
And we always will...

Friday, January 15, 2010

It's Beautiful...

outside......and that makes us smile.

Blocks and Pictures by Daddy...

Yesterday Daddy decided that Jaxon was bored. So he went and got the blocks that he got Jax for Christmas and opened them for him. (He got so many things for Christmas that we have not opened everything yet.) Jax loved the blocks! Daddy took some pictures of his little guy playing...

We were at town today and he told me that he wanted to go home and play with his blocks and his daddy.
He loves his new blocks. And he loves his daddy...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Like Middle School

Remember in Middle school when you would have a camera, and your friend would have a camera, and you'd take a picture of each other at the same time? Don't act like you didn't do that. I know you did. AND you thought it was cool.

Well, that's what Jax and I did the other night.

He took pictures of me with his camera, and I took pictures of him with mine. And we did it at the same time. And I had flashbacks to Middle School.
But I don't think the people on the other end of my camera then were nearly this cute...
Actually, I'm sure they weren't :)

Anything for him...

What do you do when you have a sick baby?
Well, whatever he wants, of course.
Even if it means lying on your back on the cold floor while he "slides" down your legs... But of course, I'd do anything to see this smile...
Every day I'm still amazed at how much I love him.
And I hope that's a feeling that I never get over...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

No Longer Welcome

Dear Stupid Stomach Bug,

This letter is to inform you that you are no longer welcome in our home. As a matter of fact, you never really were welcome here. You uninvitedly snuck in. Last Tuesday night you tricked us. Jax man threw up all night. You tricked us by making us think that it was his normal stomach stuff. We were wrong. We will not be fooled by you again. Wednesday Justin started feeling sick, but never actually got sick. We thought we had you conquered. Then I woke up Friday morning sick and cursing your existence. Monday night, you weaseled your way into my in law's home and infected my MIL. She's had to take off of work the past two days because of you. And then last night you found your way back into my home. My husband is now throwing his guts up. I hope that you think this is funny, because I do not. If you touch my son, or me, again... that's it. I've had it with you. Get out and do not come back. You are NOT welcome here!

The Mason Family

P.S- Wasper that strategically planted yourself in the utility room floor so that I would step on you and have an allergic reaction that would cause my foot to swell up the size of Shaquille O'Neals... well, read the previous post. Because you are NOT welcome here either!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Caught Up!

That's what this blog is.

Hide and Seek

That's what Jax wanted to play when we got in bed last night.
And he was being really cute...
So I went and got the camera!

Where's Jax?
There he is!

Sometimes he's so cute I could just eat him with a spoon!

Some of the most fun times of our entire day come when we're in bed... trying to go to sleep. That's when little man gets the funniest!

New Years Thoughts.

New Years Day 2006 was one of the most exciting days in a young girls life. It was the day that I went, picked out, and bought my wedding dress... I remember looking at myself in the mirror when I had found THE dress and feeling like I had never before looked so beautiful in my entire life. I had found the perfect man for me, and now I had found the perfect dress. January 1, 2006 was a good day.

January 1, 2010... well, not so much. I woke up New Years Day feeling a little nauseous. By noon I felt horrible. Justin had to preach a wedding, so I had him take Jaxon over to his parents. I laid in bed, feeling like if I were to move the slightest muscle I would die. At about 3 o'clock, I started throwing up. It was officially. I had the stomach bug. After I finished vomiting my guts up, I got up out of the bathroom floor. As I was walking out of the bathroom to get back in the bed, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked hideous. Seriously. Sweat pouring off of my face. No make up. Hair thrown back in a messy pony tail. Oily hair at that. I definitely didn't look like that glowing bride that I did just four short years ago...

But that doesn't mean that I wasn't that same girl. I didn't feel like that same girl, but I was still her. The same thing is true in our Christian life, friends. Some days I feel saved. Some days I feel so close to God that I could reach out and touch him. Some days I feel like a good Christian. But some days I don't. Some days I feel as lost as a needle in a haystack. Some days I feel like there's no way that God could possibly love me. But He does.

I don't always feel saved. But I always am saved. And this year, my goal is to always act saved. Isn't that what's its all about anyway? Whether we are in that beautiful white dress, or sweaty and sickly, we're children of the King. It's time we start acting like it. No matter how we feel...

Out with the Old... In with the New

Alternatively Titled: New Years Eve 2009
On New Year's Eve this year, just like last, we went over to our dear friends, The Wyatt's house.
Micah Dale turned in early, so I didn't get any pictures of him and Jax together this year...
But I did get some adorable ones of this little guy, looking way too cute and snuggly in his PJs! Jax and Aunt Ber posed for a picture...
Then he took some pics with Mommy...
I love this one. It's one of my favorite pictures ever of the two of us!
The Mason's: Take One
Take Two.
Take Three.
Take Four. It's a keeper. Atleast he's looking at the camera...
With Aunt Ber and Uncle Josh...
With Meg and Bobby...
Loving on his Daddy...
Taking his first ever sip of sparkling grape juice... a New Year's Eve tradition for us...
He likes it!
Happy New Year friends!

Taking it Down...

It really upset my son that I took my Christmas tree down...
so much so that he tried to put the balls back on faster than I could take them off.
It was humerous for a while.
But then it got really annoying...

Like when he tried to ride the branch...

Here's where he was hoarding all the balls...
I keep trying to tell him that we will put it up again next year.
Right now, it's not offering him much consolation.
So the one in his rooms still up.

Check Up Time (12-28-09)

We went back to Vanderbilt for Jaxon's check up.
They scheduled another endoscopy for February...
Let's all pray that we can keep him well until then, and that the results will show that we are making improvement!