Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Liberty Fest 2010

Tonight at our church, we had our annual Fourth of July celebration... It was full of fun, fellowship and food...
The only thing that could have made it better is if Daddy would have been there to watch the fireworks with us...!

It was a great way to kick off the 4th of July festivities. We can't wait to see what the rest of the week/weekend holds!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Alternate Titles.

Alternately titled: Nothing beats playing in the garden sprinkler in the summer time and jumping off of the water trough...

Alternately titled: Mommy loves Daddy very much and has no clue what she is going to do without him for three whole weeks...
Alternately titled: Sometimes we fall.
Alternately titled: But we get back up again.
Alternately titled: Climbing trees is what little boys try to do.

Alternately titled: Blowing bubbles makes the cutest faces!

Alternately titled: Sprinklers are awesome on warm summer nights!
Alternately titled: Precious, Dirty Boy.
Alternately titled: One of Mom's favorite pictures- EVER! (This is the essence of loving life!)

Alternately titled: Nothing beats hanging out with dad and shooting off balloon rockets on our last night together for three whole weeks.
Alternately titled: Mommy hopes that I still want to sit in her lap when I'm ten years old!
Alternately titled: Jumping is even more fun when your cousin's there to jump with.
Alternately titled: This child is precious!
Alternately titled: Gav Man's pretty cute, too!
Alternately titled:
Tonight was our last night to spend with Daddy before he leaves for three weeks. It was definitely bitter sweet. We had such a fun time hanging out with our family-
but we can't wait to see Daddy again.
Here's praying these three weeks fly by like time has never flown before...

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Jax still occasionally has his constipation problems, and yesterday was one of those days. Finally, I sat him on the potty while he was crying so that when he went, he would be on the toilet. Justin and I were both cheering him on, and then he did his business:
Justin: You made a turd!
Jaxon: I made a turtle!

For the rest of the night Jaxon went around telling everyone that he made a turtle, and at church last night, he told me that he needed to go to the bathroom and make a turtle. It was hilarious!

During the night last night, Jax's nose got all stopped up and he was having a hard time breathing, which caused for a hard time sleeping. At one point (around 2:30 a.m.) this conversation occured:
Jaxon: Open
Mommy: Open what?
Jaxon: Open Daddy's eyes.
Mommy: Well go tell Daddy to open his eyes.
He crawls to Daddy's side of the bed and sits on his chest.
Jaxon: Daddy, open your eyes. Daddy! Open your eyes! Daddy TAKE YOUR EYES OUT!

Ha ha... Justin never woke up!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Jaxon and I went to Twelve Oaks Baptist Church tonight because Will and Anna Grace were baptized. They had a children's sermon at the beginning of the service and Jax wanted to go forward with Anna Grace. You can see in the picture how well he was paying attention! During the sermon, the man sitting directly in front of us "amened" several times. And each time that he said "amen" Jaxon, very loudly, repeated him. It was a little embarassing, but way too cute! He even "amened" a couple of times on his own, and amazingly enough, they were times that someone probably should have said "amen..." ha ha. Oh me, I've got a mess on my hands!
We are proud of you Will and Anna Grace!
Hope Jaxon didn't embarass you too bad!

Happy Father's Day Daddy!

We love you so much!
Mommy and Jaxon

Friday, June 18, 2010

One of those Days...

Every now and then (well a lot actually) I have one of those days with Jaxon that I just want to freeze in time. Don't get me wrong- he had his occasional "two year old moments" but for the most part, he was a very good boy and almost every single thing that came out of his mouth made me laugh out loud. This kid's funny! Daddy went to get in the shower after his 2nd game of the day, and Jax looked at me and said, "I wanna take a shower." I told him to let me take his clothes off and he could- and he looked at me and said, "I can hardly wait!" Precious, I tell ya...
We didn't feel like being stranded at the hotel all day (Actually we just got some rest last night so we had the energy to do something besides lay around all day.) We took Daddy and dropped him off at the gym this morning so that we would have the car. Then we came home and got ready and went shopping at the Hamburg Pavillion. It was awesome! They had a Carters, Gymboree, Baby Gap and Children's Place and they were all having some of the biggest sales that I have ever seen! It was an obsessive mother's heaven on earth. However, my MIL has tried to convince me lately that Jaxon does not need anything else for the summer. So I was a very good girl. I did get him one shirt from Carter's that was only $4.99 and I was convinced we absolutely couldn't live without. And then I got some shirts from Children's Place in a 4t to put up for next year. We ate lunch at Chick-fil-A... and then met back up with Daddy to spend a few hours with him before he had to be back at the gym to ref his third game of the day.
We dropped Daddy back off at the gym and then Jax and I went on a Mommy Date!
We went and saw Toy Story 3! You guys have no clue how absolutely pumped I was...
And it did not dissapoint. I don't want to give any details away because I'm sure that you all want to see it- so I'll just say this. I laughed... AND I CRIED! It was that good (or maybe I'm just an emotional/hormonal/overly-sentimental mother). Either way, it was awesome!
And this kid was even awesomer! He acted like an angel during the entire movie (and ate an entire bag of popcorn!) He sat in my lap for the first hour and a half and never fought to get up. During the last thirty minutes he stood between my legs and held my hand. I couldn't have asked for him to be any better!
And I couldn't have asked for this day to be much better either!
(Just wish that Daddy could have hung out with us more!)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just Hanging Out...

Today we've just kind of hung out. After the night that we had last night, it was hard to get up and going to do much of anything. We slept in (from like 8:30 to like 11:30) and then we decided to go to the pool for a little while since Daddy was reffing. Indoor pools are definitely the way to go- especially when you have a kid that is very pale complected. It was so nice to get to swim and not have to worry about lathering him with sunscreen every five minutes!
Tonight when Justing got finished reffing, we went to Applebees to get some supper and then we went to the mall to shop for father's day gifts and for a birthday gift for my MIL. The Fayette Mall has a Disney Store... so of course we had to stop there!
I let Jax pick something out and he picked out this new Woody. It's the new love of his life. Move over Pablo. There's a new Sheriff in town!
It's fun just hanging out with my little man!

Rough Night.

It's me. Here in Lexington. We had a rough night last night. Jax didn't nap all day yesterday and he didn't sleep at all during our drive here. That kind of excited us though, because we assumed that he would sleep really well! Boy, were we wrong. He went down at about 9:45 p.m. Our room has two full sized beds, so I laid him in one, and Justin and I went to bed in the other. At about 1:30, he came over to our bed and crawled in with us. He slept for about an hour, then it was over. He woke up at 2:30, and apparently thought it was morning. He didn't whine and cry. He just talked. Really. Really. LOUD.

Not to mention, the air conditioning unit is really loud (but not as loud as Jaxon) and the windows do not have blinds (Just paper thin curtains) so the minute that the sun decided to peek up, our room was as bright as daylight...

But that's okay with us. Because we're getting to hang out with Dad. Today is the 17th, so that means that we officially have less than two weeks before Daddy leaves us for three weeks to go to England for a mission trip. Three Weeks. That's a long time. So we'll rough it for a few nights, just to get to hang out with him while we can.

Let's just pray that little man decides it's cool to sleep tonight! ;)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Justin has planned to go to referee camp in Lexington the end of the week for some time now.
However, he decided that it'd be cool if Jaxon and I came along. So we came.
And this is where we'll be until Saturday. Hanging out at the hotel (or Castle, as Jax calls it), swimming in the pool and chilling with Daddy.
Sounds like fun to us!
But for now, Good night friends!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Reagan's 3rd Birthday.

We went to Reagan's 3rd Birthday party tonight. We skipped Vacation Bible School because Jax is not a big fan of being cooped up in the nursery and since he's only 2, there's not really a class for him. He does some things with the 3, 4 and 5 year olds, but isn't old enough to be in their class. I was really starting to get afraid that he wouldn't want to stay in the nursery during church, so I thought it'd be safe that we skipped tonight.
Here's Sally, Luke and Zach, waiting patiently for some cake and ice cream, I'm sure. All the kiddos crowded around Miss Reagan to see the things that she was unwrapping. They got more excited about some of her gifts than she did...
Nice face Ad.
Happy 3rd Birthday Reagan Ashley Hill!
Make a wish, and blow 'em out girl!