Saturday, July 17, 2010

Today (7-17) for Daddy.

Hi Dad.
We are soooo tired and ready for bed, but we wanted to check in with you and tell you about our day. Mommy went to see "Eclipse" with Gran today, so I got to stay and play with Nana and Paps. After Mom and Gran got back, we went to Murray and ate at Cracker Barrel and shopped for a while.Now we are back home and I am eating some of our leftovers from supper. Mommy gave me a little bit of butter and told me that was all that we had. I ate it and then I went to the refrigerator because I was pretty sure that Mommy was lying to me and that we really had more butter in there! Mom didn't think that I could open the fridge, but I did. I thought I was getting more butter, but I just ended up bringing Mom a plastic container full of caramel dipping sauce. So now I'm eating mashed potatoes and caramel! Yummy!
Good night Daddy!
We love you so much and are so glad that tomorrow is the last Sunday that we have to go to church without you!
Jax and Mommy

Friday, July 16, 2010

Today (7-16) for Daddy.

What's up Dad?
We had an awesome day around here today. I slept in extra long this morning. When I woke up, Mommy and I went out to Sally's and swam in her pool with her, Rob, Lucas, Zach, Kacie and Addison. It was so much fun!
I was one excited little boy on my way out to the pool! I could hardly wait!
I was a really big boy and played with my water wings and my float on for a big part of the day.... You would have been so proud of me!
I liked it best when Mommy held me though!
We took a lunch break, and me, Zach and Addi swang in the hammock for a while. I thought that was really cool!
We came home and Mommy got to talk to you on the computer for a little bit while I took a nap. Mommy got to talk to you on the computer two times today! That made her really happy. Tonight we went over to Kelly and Brian's new house for supper. Before we ate, Josh and I played in the yard and we got Buzz and Woody stuck on the tree. It was so neat.
(I know that I'm making a mad face in this picture, but Mommy figured that you'd want to see a picture of your best buddy Josh, ha ha...)
Buzz and Woody just hung out in the tree for a while.
The food was awesome at Kelly's. We had grilled chicken, mac and cheese, and some awesome chips and dip. The desserts were all really good too. You'll be sad that you missed out on this dinner, Dad.
Now, we're home, and I'm chilling in my room, getting ready for bed.
I really like it in here, but I think I still like yours and Mommy's bed best.
Well, we love you Daddy.
Can't wait to see your face.
Jax and Mommy

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Today (7-15) for Daddy.

Hey Daddy!
We've had an awesome day today... Mommy went to the doctor this morning and got to hear our baby's heart beat and see it on the ultrasound. It's so cool! The doctor said that everything looked perfect and that the baby's heart rate is around 160 beats per minute.
After Mommy's appointment, I played while Mommy and Nana cleaned up the house. We got my room really good and clean and Mommy and I took a nap in there today and we are going to sleep in there tonight. I can hardly wait! I love sleeping in my room (as long as Mommy sleeps in there with me ;)
Mommy had to take some senior pictures tonight, so I went and stayed at Gran's. I took a shower with Gravel and got all clean and got my pj's on, but then Day and Andrea came home from softball practice, so I went outside and played with them. By the time that Mommy got home, I was so sweaty that I looked like I had just gotten out of the shower. Needless to say, I needed another one by the time I got home...
Hope that you've had a good day today Daddy. I can't believe you got to see Nick Jonas!
We hope that you have a good free day tomorrow...
4 more days and we get to hug your neck!
It's gonna be awesome!
Miss you and love you,
Jax, Mommy and your sweet Baby



Wednesday, July 14, 2010


One of Jaxon's new sayings, that he, obviously, picked up from a movie:

Jax- "You're killing me smalls!"

It's hilarious!

This convo took place last night:

Mommy- "Jax, come brush your teeth!"
Jax- "No Mommy, I just brushed them last night!"

Oh Lord.

Today (7-14) for Daddy.

Hi again Daddy!
Hope that you've had a good day today. We've had a pretty good one. Well, not really, but I guess it could have been much much worse. Mom's been a little annoyed with me today. I didn't go to sleep until 4 o'clock this morning- so she's been tired. And I'm learning that a tired Mommy does not equal a happy Mommy. I'm going to try to go to bed earlier tonight. Today we went to the movies with Nana, Paps, Mya and Kyler. We went to see "Despicable Me." It was pretty good. I didn't want to sit still during the movie though. Mommy said that after we went to see Toy Story 3 and I was so good, she thought I was ready to go see movies. She learned today that she was wrong.
We came home and talked to you on the computer for a while, and then we headed to church. We ate pizza with the youth group tonight. It was yummy!
Mommy said that I smile lots better for pictures when she tells me that she has to take a picture of me to put on the computer for Daddy... She's going to have to start using that one more often!
We miss you and love you, Dad.
Less than a week! Yay!
Jax and Mommy

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Today (7-13) for Daddy.

Hey Daddy!
We've had a good day around here today. Mommy and I slept in a little bit this morning. When we got up we took a bath and headed to the school to meet Nana to head into town for lunch. Then we took Nana to get her hair cut and went to the bank and to the grocery. I was a pretty good boy today! When we got back to Nana's, I took off running and fell and hit my head really hard on the door facing. I have a bump and a nasty looking scrape... I cried pretty hard for a few minutes, but then I was okay. Mommy says I'm pretty tough. We were so happy to get to talk to you on the computer again today!
Tonight we went with Bridgette and John to Benton to hang out with Lauren. We went to the Benton drive-in and got supper. All the grown ups got Jo-Jo burgers. They bragged on how good they were all night. Mommy said you would have loved to eat a Jo-Jo burger! It was one of the best burgers that she's ever eaten in her life. That thing was huge. I got a King Burger because it was a little smaller. We had fun hanging out with Bridgette, Lauren and John tonight, but wish that you could have been there with us.
Only one more week before you get to come home.
Mommy and I can hardly wait!
We love you so much Big Bad Dad!
Jax and Mommy

Monday, July 12, 2010

A Bunch of Days (7-9, 10, 11 and 12) for Daddy.

Mommy wanted me to tell you that she is so sorry that she slacked with the blog over the weekend. She sincerely apologizes and hopes that you can find it in your heart to forgive her.
With that being said, Let me tell you about the last few days.
Friday morning we went to Gran's at 8:00 and loaded up to go to Nashville. We went to the Nashville Shores water park on Friday. It was a lot of fun! Friday night we went shopping at an outlet mall. I didn't think that was near as much fun as the water park was, but Mommy enjoyed herself. She got me lots of clothes for next summer for really cheap. You'd be so proud! Saturday morning we got up and did some more shopping- well actually, we did LOTS more shopping. I was all shopped out by the time that we were finished. I really started missing you while we were shopping in Clarksville, and I started crying. It broke Mommy's heart and she started crying too, so she called you. We got to talk to you on the phone for a few minutes. It was so good to hear your voice.
Saturday night when we got back to Gran's house, we ate some birthday cake and played outside with Sally and Rob... Rob played wiffle ball with me and Addi and I actually hit the ball by myself a few times! You would have been so proud of me Daddy!
Sunday morning we went to church. The message was really good, Mom said. I was in the nursery, so I really wouldn't know. We ate lunch with our family and then we got to talk to you on the computer for a little while before it was time to go back to church for Mommy's Speechless practice. After church Sunday night, we went out to eat at Majestic with Ber, Josh, Megan and Bobby. Mommy and I ate sketti-sketti.
We were supposed to have Bailey today, but she didn't end up coming. So Mommy and I hung out. Mom didn't feel well today. I got to go hang out at Ber and Josh's tonight though, and it was sooo much fun! I can't wait until Cooper gets here so I can go over there and play with him. We are going to have so much fun together! Mommy took pictures of a family and then helped a lady at church with a project while I stayed with Josh and Ber.
You can come back home now anytime, Dad.
We are really missing you, ya know.
We love you sooooooooooooo much!
Jax and Mommy

Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Gran!

Happy Birthday Gran!
We love you- and thank you for an awesome weekend in Nashville!
You're the bestest Mom/Gran/Granny Ever!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Today (7-8) for Daddy

Howdy Partner!
I hope that you're having a great day in Scotland, Dad! I can't believe that you got a free afternoon and you took a two hour nap! Naps are for little kids! Mommy showed me the pictures that you took of the mountain and from on top of the mountain though. They were cool! I want to climb a mountain, too. As you can see from my pictures, I'm a firefighter. I've also been a cowboy and an astronaut this week. I've been running around with my firefighter hat all day and my Buzz Lightyear toy screaming "Buzz Lightyear- to the rescue!" Mom thinks it's pretty cute. I bet you would too. Mom said that she's going to try to get it on video so that you can see, but you know me, I'll probably stop doing it as soon as she gets the video camera out...
This morning Mom took pictures of a little boy, so I got to go outside and help her. I'm a pretty good assistant. It was soooo hot outside! After we took pictures, we went and got the oil changed in Mommy's car and we went and ate cheese dip with Kacie, Addi, Kayla and Rylee... I love cheese dip!
I'm so glad I got to talk to you on the computer today. I'm really starting to miss you, Dad. I'm ready for you to come home...
We went down to Bonnie and Donald's tonight and played cards with them and Bridgette and John. They brought their doggy, Daisy, so I got to play with her too. It was so much fun!
Well, Mommy just got out bags packed for Nashville tomorrow. I can't wait to go to the water park- I just wish that you could go with us...
We miss you bunches Daddy,
and we love you to infinity and beyond...
Jax and Mommy

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Today (7-7) for Daddy.

Hi Justin,
It's me tonight. Jax is over at your parents now. I don't have any pictures because I was going to snap one when we got home, but since he wasn't ready to come home with me, I will make sure to get pictures for you tomorrow.
We've had a pretty good day. I cleaned the living room, bathroom and bedroom, so I'm feeling less stressed about that now. Jaxon played with Mya and Ava most of the day and then we went to church tonight. Everything went great in youth. Josh did a good job. After church we went to New Hope because their fireworks were tonight. I am officially fireworked out! I'm sorry that you didn't get to see any this year, but believe me, Jax and I saw enough for all of us.
Well, I'm tired and not in a super great mood and I feel horrible, so I think I'm going to bed.
I miss you more than you realize and love you more than you'll ever know...
Kendra (and Jax)
P.S.- the cutest thing that your son said all day- this morning he was trying to wake up and before he ever opened his eyes he said, "Daddy here?"
I said, "no buddy."
He said, "okay."
It was really sad... but super sweet. We can't wait to have you back home with us, waking up in our bed.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Today (7-6) for Daddy.

Howdy Daddy.
We hope that you had a good day at Oxford today. I wish that you would have been able to find me a book, but I understand. I'm sure you'll be able to find me something else cool to bring home from your trip. Mommy has been showing me the pictures of the castles that you put on facebook, so I've been trying to build some castles of my own (but building castles isn't near as much fun without you here. You're the bestest at building castles!).

This morning we went to town. Mommy had to go to the bank and to Wal-Mart. She told me that if I was really good and rode in the cart, that she would get me a surprise. She got me an awesome new "Hoody" towel. It has a hood on it that looks like a cowboy hat! I can't wait to get a picture of me in it so that I can show you!

This afternoon we went to Addi's t-ball game. It was so hot! I can't wait until I'm big enough to play t-ball. Gran bought me a slushie! It tasted so good!

We were going to ride the 4-wheeler tonight, but the battery was dead, so maybe tomorrow. We walked down to David and Janet's and played with Gavin for a while though, and David popped me a bag of popcorn and let me bring it home! I was so excited.

Well, it's bed time now, Daddy, and Mommy is really tired, so I guess we will talk to you tomorrow! I can't believe that you get to go on a train ride tomorrow, Dad! That's so cool.
We miss you lots, and love you even more!
Jax and Mommy

Monday, July 5, 2010

Today (7-5) for Daddy.

Hey there Dad!
We hope that you have had a good day today. We haven't been as busy as we were the past few days. We just kind of hung out most of the day today. This morning Mom did some laundry and then Nana called and asked if we wanted to go get some cheese dip, so we headed to town and met her and Pappy for lunch.
This afternoon, we went over to Gran and Day's for supper. It was really good! I took a shower with Gravel! I liked squirting her with the water!
We love you and can't wait to talk to you tomorrow!
Miss you bunches,
Jax and Mommy

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Today (7-4) for Daddy.

Happy 4th of July Daddy!
We've had another busy day. We started our day by going to church. Mommy and I dressed alike in our red, white and blue. All we needed was you with us, wearing your American flag tie! I had a little bit of seperation anxiety this morning when Mommy left me in the nursery... I cried harder than I've ever cried in the nursery before, but I got okay. When Mommy came to pick me up, I said, "I missed you Mommy." It made Mommy smile. We went and ate lunch with Nana and Paps, Uncle Jon, Angie, Kyler, Mya and Ava. I ate a pork chop! Mommy tricked me by telling me that it was chicken, but I ate it and it was pretty good. I'm glad that I got to see you on the computer for a few seconds today before I went to sleep. Mommy was so happy to get to talk to you again!
We went back to church tonight and then after church we went up to Timmy and Jill's for a 4th of July grill out and fireworks celebration! We had so much fun!
I rode the horse, played with the dirt outside and played with the toys inside. We ate supper and then we went outside in the front yard and got ready for the fireworks!
They were awesome!
I'm sure that they are the best fireworks that I've ever seen (but of course, I'm only two). Mommy says that they were the best fireworks that she's ever seen, too, and she's 24.
So they were pretty good!
I met some new friends tonight, and claimed one of the little girls as my girlfriend. I don't know if she felt the same way about me or not though because when she was leaving, I went to give her a kiss and she backed away from me. Apparently she doesn't kiss on the first date. Who knew? She was pretty though. Her name was Peyton.
Mommy's heart melted on the way home. I was falling asleep and just talking to her and I said, "Mommy I want you to live with me forever." :)
We miss you Daddy, but are so glad that you are having fun.
5 days down- 16 to go!
We love you so much!
Jax and Mommy

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Today (7-3) for Daddy.

Hey Daddy!
We have had such a fun day today! Even though it is technically July 3rd, since the 4th falls on a Sunday this year, we celebrated today. Mommy spent most of the morning and day taking pictures. I went with her to help out during one of her sessions! I was a really big helper. After we got finished taking pictures, we came home and got a shower to get ready to go to Bonnie's for our annual 4th of July family get together. Believe it or not, I was so tired that I fell asleep in the bathtub! Mommy got to talk to you on Skype for a little while, but I slept through that. Hopefully I'll get to talk to you tomorrow! We had a lot of fun at Bonnie and Donald's. I got in trouble a couple of times. I'm still not listening real well, but I'm trying to do better because I don't like spankings and I don't like time outs. We ate with our family and then we headed to Mammy and Ted's to hang out with more family!
By the time we got to Mammy and Ted's, it was pretty much time to load up and head to Mayfield to watch the fireworks. We all loaded up and watched from the old plaza parking lot. I knew where we were as soon as we pulled up and I started yelling, "I need cheese dip!" Mommy thought that was really funny!
We played with sparklers while we were waiting for the fireworks to start and then we watched fireworks from the back of Uncle Ted's truck! They were awesome! I ate almost a whole bag of doritos while we watched them! I looked like a nasty pig!
After the fireworks we went back to Mammy's for pie and watermelong. And now we're home. We wish you were here Daddy! We love you very much!

Jax (and Mommy)
Jaxon and I had the sweetest conversation coming home from Mammy's tonight. It's conversations like this that make the times that I have to chase him until I want to cry bearable.
Jax: "Mommy, I want to hold you." (Which actually means, "I want you to hold me," but you know.)
Mommy: "Baby, Mommy can't hold you while she's driving but I promise I will hold you as soon as we get home."
Jax: "Hurry Mommy."
Mommy: "I'm trying to hurry."
Jax: "Please drive faster..."
It was so sweet. He couldn't wait until we got home so that I could hold him. So, I'm going to go do that right now :) Love you Daddy and miss you lots!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Today (7-2) for Daddy.

Hey Daddy!
Sorry but today we don't have any pictures. I wasn't very good for Mommy today. I know that you already knew that because we had a talk about it over the computer today. I promise I will try to do better tomorrow and we will definitely have pictures to share with you tomorrow because we are hanging out with family and going to the Fireworks in Mayfield tomorrow night.
I miss you bunches (Mommy does too. She might even miss you more than me).
Love you lots-

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Today (7-1) for Daddy.

Today we mostly hung out around the house. Mom edited some pictures. I watched Hoody and ate 10 pizza rolls for lunch. I really liked getting to talk to you on the computer. That was awesome!
Tonight we went over to Nana's and ate corn dogs for supper and then we went outside and Mommy, Nana and Pappy shelled beans. I played with the rest of the vegtables in my swimming pool. Mommy took some pictures so that she could show you.
We miss you Daddy!
Talk to you soon!
Jax and Mommy