Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Sorry friends. There will be no pictures attached to this post. You will understand why after you read the storIES. My child, you know, the one whom I love so dearly (well, I guess you obviously know which one I'm talking about since I only have one). The same child whom I wrote such a loving post about merely two days ago... Well, friends... this child has turned into a gremlin. I think he woke up on Monday, the day that was his official half birthday, and decided that there was no reason to wait six more months to hit the "terrible twos." His philosophy on this was "there's no time like the present." And on Monday afternoon, the terrible twos began.

Jaxon did an awesome job driving to Nashville and did amazingly well at his doctor's appointment. On the way home, the MIL and I decided that we would stop at Clarksville and go to target, you know since you can't pass the big red bullseye and not stop. It's a rule. Anyhow, in Target, Jax started running a little fever. I figured he was getting the same sinus junk as me, and excused his unruley behavior. Then the MIL needed to go in Hobby Lobby. When she was trying to put him back into his carseat, he literally tried to rip her hair out. He was scratching, kicking and fighting for his life. It's still a miracle that there were not casualities involved. It was a side of him that I have never seen before.

And yesterday at Wal-Mart, we had a near death experience. Jaxon tried to jump out of the shopping cart. I'm serious. I caught him by one leg. If I wouldn't have been just .008 seconds away, his brain would have been laying in the photo center floor at Wal-Mart.

Last night, I had a family come over for a scheduled senior picture photo session. I took the gremlin over to his Nana and Paps' while I took pictures. When I was finished, I came inside. Justin had been eating the MIL's leftovers from TGI Friday's a few nights ago, and left his plate and utensils on the table. He also forgot to scoot his chair back up, which is a big no no around here since our child is a mountain climber. I looked over at Jaxon. He had climbed into Justin's chair and had a steak knife hanging out of his mouth. He was eating potatoes with a steak knife. It's a miracle that he didn't cut his tongue off.
I'm sure there are more gremlin-esque stories, but these are the main ones that are standing out to me right now... Maybe his hair cut affected him. Maybe he's like Samson but instead of going from strong to weak, he went from good to bad..?..
With all this said, I do love the little gremlin. Horns and all.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Half Way to Two...

Today, my precious son... you are 18 months old.
We are officially half way to your second birthday.
It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating your first.
You absolutely melt me heart each and every day and each morning I find that I love you more than I did the last.
And that's the truth.
I find new things about you to love each day.
It's amazing how much you're changing.
You're just amazing.
Today, on your half birthday, we had to go back to Vanderbilt for your EE check-up.
Even though it was just a check up, Mommy was still nervous.
I just want you to be well and to feel well.
Last night at church, Daddy and I went to the altar. You were in the nursery. We got on our knees and prayed for your appointment today.
As we were praying, Bro. Wayne told our church family that we were going back to Vanderbilt today. He told them that if they felt led, to come and pray with us.
I heard cracks and kreeks as people left their pews to pile in around your Daddy and I at the altar. I felt hands on my shoulders and back. Tears ran down my face.
They were there praying for you.
When the song leader began singing the next verse of the song, it sounded like he was singing a solo. No one was singing with him, because they were at the altar, raising your name before the Lord.
People love you man. They really do. I hope someday you realize how much.
Your appointment went well. The doctor was pleased with the progress that you have made since May. You are growing like a weed (You weigh 26 lbs 13 oz and are 33.25 inches long) and you are not getting sick as much. We still have our bad days, but the good far outweigh the bad. They always will as long as we have you...
Happy half birthday my precious son.
You are your Mommy's world.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Jaxon's First Hair Cut...

"Good morning Mommy. What are we going to do today?" "We are going to WHAT? GET A HAIRCUT? ARE YOU CRAZY?"

This morning, Justin and I took Jaxon to get his first hair cut. He did awesome! He sat so still in my lap. He looked a little nervous but that's understandable. Mommy was a little nervous, too.
Right before the first snip was made...
Such a good boy.
Daddy and his son after the haircut...
Mommy, Daddy and their big big boy...
Little dude, we can't believe how fast you've grown up on us...
We are so very very proud of you!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

French Fry Juice?

Apparently, somehow my son has learned to get whole french fries intgo his sippy cup- without removing the lid, mind you. He shoves them through the nipple.
Maybe he's trying to make french fry juice?

The Life

Back Yard Friends.

Sucking Through a Straw.

Another one of the surprises that we brought Jaxon back from Kings Island was this Backyardigans cup with a straw. We got it for $1, by the way. He thought he was such a big boy sucking his juice through a straw.
I love the scrunched up nose face.
and this grin melts my heart every time.
Please do not let this picture of him in his crib fool you. He was just playing. It's a fun place to play sometimes, but who would dream of sleeping there?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Old Friends & A New Bride

Isn't it nice to have some friends that you know it really doesn't matter how long you go without talking, you know you'll still always be friends? I am blessed to have some friends like that. One of those friends is getting married soon, and her personal shower was last Tuesday night. It was so nice to be around some old friends and spend time chatting and catching up. Calista will make a beautiful bride...
I'm so thankful for old friends.





Sunday night we had an ice cream social at church. Jax pulled out his comedian tricks again and had everyone laughing with the faces he was making after taking a bite of the cold ice cream. These pictures really don't do it justice...
The only thing better than eating ice cream is watching this little guy enjoy himself so much!

New Best Friend

Jax got a new best friend this weekend. Justin and I went to Kings Island. They had a Nickolodean store there and all of their Backyardigans stuff was 75% off! We got a lot of stuff for $30. We put most of it back for Christmas... but we did give him a few things. One was this Pablo stuffed animal. We gave it to him on Sunday morning after church, and it has been attached to his hip ever since.
Jax loves him some Pablo...
And Mommy and Daddy love finding gifts that their little boy loves for 75% off!

Friday, August 14, 2009

In the Making

He's a champion.
A champion in the making.

All Champions.

Last night was eventful to say the least.
I don't think I've talked much about softball on my blog (if I've talked about it at all) but it has been a blast this year. Our church had so many sign up to play that we had to divide into two teams. We played in a league at Clarks River Baptist Church. During the season, both of our teams lost one game only. The A team (the team I'm not on) drew a bye in the tournament. So they were automatically in the championship last night at 7:30. The B team (the team I am on) had to win at 6:30 in order to play in the Championship.
And the 6:30 game was a barn burner, to say the least. The team that we played was pretty good. Last night was the first time that we have played them all year. We went into 4 extra innings with this team... The game lasted over two hours. We ended up WINNING 25-23. It was an amazing victory!
So at 7:30 we played against our friends and family in the championship. This game was so much more laid back because both teams knew that Liberty would be the champions no matter what the outcome was. It was a really fun game to play in, especially after the barn burner that we participated in not even 15 minutes earlier.
The B team did come out on top of this game 17-12... I wish the game would have ended in a different way and still had the same outcome, but it was just a game, and it was fun.
Here are both teams. All of us. The real Champions. The B team.
The A team.
Me and my little dude.
Me and the hubby....
"You are all champions in your own way. That doesn't mean you have to be number 1 or be the best. Just do your best. If you aren't first, then make those people ahead of you break records by pushing them with your personal best. Consider for a moment what we achieve from athletics- the sheer fun of competing- the building of a healthy and alert mind and body- stamina, courage, perserverance, dedication, commitment, selflessness and most importantly, the will to excel."


The heels aren't real high, but they are heels indeed. And it's hilarious to hear him clunking around the house (even though sometimes I do get nervouse about his preference of clothes, jewelery and shoes...)
I love you Little Man. You're a funny funny boy.


They are everything to me.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New and Improved.

The new and improved BALL PIT has arrived. And we're having more fun than ever!


Just in case you had any doubt that Jaxon is the funniest kid in the world, I decided to provide you with a little more proof. I've been putting his diapers (clean, not yet used) in this mesh laundry bag. Well, this morning, he pulled it into the living room, layed it on its side, and slid down into it like a sleeping bag. He just layed there and watched TV. And I took his picture.
A few minutes later, I looked over and he had his head in the bag. Just laying there, drinking his drink, watching TV.
So, I took his picture again.

And decided once and for all that he truly is the funniest kid in the world.

Family Pictures

A few weeks ago, we had family pics made. My MIL wanted a big picture of our entire family to hang in her home, so we had a big Mason family photo shoot. It was scorching hot and Jax had a bad allergic reaction to something, but I feel like we got some good shots regardless of our circumstances. Here are some of my favorites. Check out the photography blog for the rest of the pics!
I really like this picture, but Justin doesn't for some reason. This is one of my favorites though!

And I love this one. It's the one picture that we got with Jaxon smiling!

I love walking pictures.
Jaxon was not being very cooperative.
But he was. So he got a picture made of just him.
The best of the whole family pictures.
Jax wasn't happy. Poor guy.
So we got some pics made without him.
I love him.
Hopefully my MIL will be happy with these pics. It's really hard to take pictures of a family with 3 babies under 2...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pure Silliness.

Jax learned yet another new trick today. He can now bite his own toes, and he thinks it's so funny. He bites them so hard that he leaves teeth marks and says, "Ouch."
Crazy kid... In action.
Soooo mischevious.
What Mom? Doesn't everyone bite their toes?
I'm the only one you know? Seriously?

Once the toe biting experience was over, we laid out a towel and had a picnic in the living room floor.
I have so much fun every day with this kid. I really do.