Thursday, May 7, 2009

What Happens When You Have a Bad Day?

You do something drastic. Like cut your hair. Short. Or atleast that's what I do. Here is a before picture so you can be reminded of what my hair LOOKED like. This is at Prom Saturday night. Justin and I never went to prom together in high school, so this is our first prom picture...
Yea, that's me. And it's drastic. I'm not real crazy about it right now, but it is growing on me. And just because I haven't put any pics of Jax on here lately... here's a not so recent one that I never posted and decided would have to hold you over.

And I want to leave you with the assurance that I am a bit better today. Jax is still sick... but Gravel is much better and we found out that she was going to get to go to a inpatient rehab program at Murray Hospital and not have to go to the nursing home. This is a huge relief and I feel so much better knowing this. And it's hard to be too sad when you know that the beach is only 4 days away... :)


3rd Grade Teachers said...

MIL told me you cut your hair....actually I was standing there when you made her promise not to let you get your hair cut again when you are having a bad day!!! I love it!!! It looks really cute!!! Glad today is a better day and that there's good news where Gravel is concerned.

Anonymous said...

I think your hair is really cute :) No lie. I'm also glad that you are better today and that the situation with Gravel is looking up.

Anonymous said...

I really think your hair is cute too. You are beautiful in every single way/ no matter what they words cant bring you down! HAHAHA! I'm glad today is better for you and that things are getting a bit better :)

Amy wanted me to remind you of her "bad hair day"..when she went blonde!! Man, I so wish I had a pic of that!!

Anonymous said...

Amy says: "I saw you at church last night and your hair looked cute. That pic of you doesn't do you justice."

Kelly said...

I like your hair!! You will continue to grow to love it because fixing it every morning will be cake! It looks alot like how mine is cut these days. It's so easy to work with...especially with how our hair likes to do in humidity ;)

Kendra Mason said...

thanks girls! and amy, remembering the blonde days made me laugh!